sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011

Former porn actress to men: Stop looking at porn or you will destroy your life

by John-Henry Westen

HOLLYWOOD, January 5, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Jennifer Case left the sex industry three years ago by the grace of God, she says, and her message to men is very clear: “There is a real person on the other side of the images you are seeing, and you are destroying her life and the lives of her children.”

In an interview with The Porn Effect, Case attests from her own personal experience the harm that the porn industry does to the women involved. She says was traumatized, oppressed and abused, and was hooked on drugs and needed the money from porn to continue to afford them. Physically she had to deal with sexually transmitted diseases: “I had so many different infections all of the time. I left Hollywood because I became so ill from Chlamydia. My abdomen hurt so much I had to come back home,” she said.

The porn industry is fueled by its consumers - they and their money drive the destructive business - and hence the damage done to these women can be attributed to the consumers as well as the producers. However, the former porn actress holds no grudge against men for her past life. She possesses a keen insight into the addictive nature of porn and says she realizes it will take God’s help for men to get out of the addiction, as it did for her to leave the business.

“Men, God loves you! I love you too and I will always pray for all of you, for the chains to be broken,” she says. “You are a slave to porn much as much any porn star. If you are viewing porn or addicted to porn, you are trying to fill a void inside of you that only God can fill. Whenever you look at porn, you are making the void bigger, and you will destroy your life.”

She says porn is “evil” and “is a drug and it is poison and a lie.”

“If you think you can keep it in the dark, God will bring it out into the light to stop you and heal you. “

In a heartfelt appeal to men, Case concluded the interview saying: “These women are precious and deserve to be loved just as much as you do. There is a real person on the other side of the images you are seeing, and you are destroying her life and the lives of her children. Every porno has somebody’s daughter in it. What if it were your little girl? You may actually be assisting in someone’s death! Male and female porn actors die all of the time from AIDS, drug overdoses, suicides, etc. Please stop looking at porn.”

See the full interview here.