sábado, 11 de maio de 2013

Carta aberta ao Cardeal Jorge Bergoglio - por Nuno Serras Pereira

11. 05. 2013

Eminentíssimo Cardeal Jorge Bergoglio, Arcebispo de Buenos Aires, escrevo-lhe esta missiva na esperança de que o Deus eterno, para o qual não há tempo e que todos os tempos Senhoreia, providencie, se assim for do Seu agrado, que dela tome conhecimento, ainda na sua condição cardinalícia.

Soube ontem, por um texto do vaticanista Sandro Magister, que vossa Eminência em circunstâncias várias se recusava a distribuir a Sagrada Comunhão, deixando esse ministério aos seus assistentes, em virtude do aproveitamento, ou manipulação, que pecadores públicos, de vida dupla, podiam fazer da publicitação da recepção do Santíssimo Sacramento, por suas augustas mãos de Pastor.

Em primeiro lugar, é com imensa alegria que agradeço a Vossa Eminência o desmascaramento desassombrado que faz, contraditando liminarmente aqueles, escassíssimos, seus confrades que aberrantemente advogam exactamente o contrário, a saber, que a recusa da Sagrada Comunhão aos pecadores públicos, tais como, por exemplo, políticos abortófilos e eutanazis, seria uma manipulação política da Eucaristia! É extraordinário até onde pode chegar a cegueira obstinada de “príncipes da Igreja” cuja obrigação e amor os deveria colocar na linha da frente na salvaguarda e defesa da Sacralidade três vezes Santa da Eucaristia, e no cuidado diligente do bem e da Salvação das almas, que, como ensina S. Pedro em uma das suas cartas (1 Pe 1, 9), é o fim da nossa Fé. Também o Código de Direito Canónico o afirma no seu último cânone (n º 1752): “ … a salvação das almas … deve ser sempre a lei suprema na Igreja”.

Será preciso ainda recordar que a proibição de dar a Sagrada Comunhão a pecadores públicos deriva da Lei Divina e que, por isso mesmo, nenhuma, NENHUMA, autoridade eclesiástica a pode ignorar, mudar ou dispensar?

Perdoará, Vossa Eminência, mas a par do contentamento fui assaltado por algumas estranhezas que se transformaram numa perplexidade tamanha que não consigo, por mim próprio, encontrar luz suficiente para dela sair.

Antes, porém, de as expor quero firmissimamente afirmar que tudo quanto escrevo ou digo submeto à autoridade da Santa Igreja Católica, Apostólica, Romana, e ao “Doce Cristo na terra”, para usar a expressão bem conhecida de Santa Catarina de Sena, isto é o sucessor de Pedro, o Santo Padre, o Papa Francisco.

Direi agora o que estranho. 

a) Em primeiro lugar, no excerto transcrito por Sandro Magister, Vossa Eminência apresenta dúvidas - “difíceis de comprovar” – quanto à pecaminosidade pública daqueles a quem poderia recusar a Sagrada Comunhão. No final, porém, dá-los como hipócritas e argúi-os de duplicidade. Ora, com o devido respeito, ou se tem uma certeza moral firme ou então impõe-se não lançar suspeitas generalizadas. 

b) No entanto, poder-se-á dar o caso da incerteza de Vossa Eminência se alicerçar na suposição de que se poderão ter arrependido e confessado, com o devido propósito de emenda. Mas Vossa Eminência não ignorará que um pecador público, para além do arrependimento verdadeiro e da confissão bem-feita, não poderá abeirar-se publicamente da Sagrada Comunhão sem uma retractação, por palavras ou/e por obras, que manifeste a todos a sua mudança de vida. Caso assim não seja, provocará escândalo, no sentido em que induzirá os outros em pecado.

c) Perdoará Vossa Eminência, mas embora seja totalmente compreensível o abster-se de dar a Sacratíssima Comunhão, com o propósito de evitar manipulações maquiavélicas (Maquiavel, aconselha este tipo de manobras) deste Augustíssimo Sacramento, creio ser muitíssimo importante recordar que a Personagem principal não é o Cardeal Jorge Bergoglio, mas sim o seu Senhor, Jesus Cristo, Deus humanado, que se faz inteiramente presente, em aparências de humildade, na Hóstia Consagrada. Por isso, o que é gravíssimo não é tanto que a foto mostre Vossa Eminência, mas que ela mostre Jesus a ser “comungado” por quem é publicamente indigno, independentemente de quem administra a Sagrada Comunhão. O facto de Vossa Eminência se abster de a conceder mas de autorizar os seus ministros a fazê-lo, inclusive nas Missas por si Presididas, parece-me, salvo o devido respeito, um grande absurdo e um atropelo grosseiro da Lei Divina, caso se trate, já se sabe, de pecadores públicos.

Peço a Deus que se estou errado no que escrevo, não só neste texto mas em todos os demais, seja condenado como irresponsável e tudo seja arrojado nos fétidos esgotos nauseabundos; mas principalmente que seja esclarecido, admoestado e corrigido, não só para meu proveito mas também para o de todos a quem possa ter desencaminhado.

sexta-feira, 10 de maio de 2013

Fátima e o Amor - por Frei Nuno Allen

Ignoring the mass exodus of Christians from the Muslim world - by Raymond Ibrahim

In Human Events 

A mass exodus of Christians is currently underway.  Millions of Christians are being displaced from one end of the Islamic world to the other.

We are reliving the true history of how the Islamic world—much of which prior to the Islamic conquests was almost entirely Christian—came into being.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recently said: “The flight of Christians out of the region is unprecedented and it’s increasing year by year.”  In our lifetime alone “Christians might disappear altogether from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Egypt.”

Ongoing reports from the Islamic world certainly support this conclusion.  Iraq was the earliest indicator of the fate awaiting Christians once Islamic forces are liberated from the grip of dictators.

In 2003, Iraq’s Christian population was at least one million.  Today fewer than 400,000 remain—the result of an anti-Christian campaign that began with the U.S. occupation of Iraq, when countless Christian churches were bombed and countless Christians killed, including by crucifixion and beheading.

The 2010 Baghdad church attack, which saw nearly 60 Christian worshippers slaughtered, is the tip of a decade-long iceberg.

Now as the U.S. supports the jihad on secular president Assad, the same pattern has come to Syria: entire regions and towns where Christians lived centuries before Islam came into being have now been emptied, as the opposition targets Christians for kidnapping, plundering, and beheadings, all in compliance with mosque calls that it’s a “sacred duty” to drive Christians away.

In October 2012 the last Christian in the city of Homs—which had a Christian population of some 80,000 before jihadis came—was murdered.  One teenage Syrian girl said: “We left because they were trying to kill us… because we were Christians….  Those who were our neighbors turned against us. At the end, when we ran away, we went through balconies. We did not even dare go out on the street in front of our house.”

In Egypt, some 100,000 Christian Copts have fled their homeland soon after the “Arab Spring.”  In September 2012, the Sinai’s small Christian community was attacked and evicted by al-Qaeda linked Muslims, Reuters reported.

But even before that, the Coptic Orthodox Church lamented the “repeated incidents of displacement of Copts from their homes, whether by force or threat. Displacements began in Ameriya [62 Christian families evicted], then they stretched to Dahshur [120 Christian families evicted], and today terror and threats have reached the hearts and souls of our Coptic children in Sinai.”

Iraq, Syria, and Egypt are the Arab world.  But even in “black” African and “white” European nations with Muslim majorities, Christians are fleeing.

In Mali, after a 2012 Islamic coup, as many as 200,000 Christians fled.  According to reports, “the church in Mali faces being eradicated,” especially in the north “where rebels want to establish an independent Islamist state and drive Christians out… there have been house to house searches for Christians who might be in hiding, church and Christian property has been looted or destroyed, and people tortured into revealing any Christian relatives.” At least one pastor was beheaded.

Even in European Bosnia, Christians are leaving en mass “amid mounting discrimination and Islamization.”  Only 440,000 Catholics remain in the Balkan nation, half the prewar figure.  Problems cited are typical:  “while dozens of mosques were built in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo, no building permissions were given for Christian churches.”

“Time is running out as there is a worrisome rise in radicalism,” said one authority, who further added that the people of Bosnia-Herzegovina were “persecuted for centuries” after European powers “failed to support them in their struggle against the Ottoman Empire.”
And so history repeats itself.

One can go on and on:

  • In Ethiopia, after a Christian was accused of desecrating a Koran, thousands of Christians were forced to flee their homes when “Muslim extremists set fire to roughly 50 churches and dozens of Christian homes.”
  • In the Ivory Coast—where Christians have been crucified—Islamic rebels “massacred hundreds and displaced tens of thousands” of Christians.
  • In Libya, Islamic rebels forced several Christian nun orders serving the sick and needy since 1921 to flee.
  • In Muslim-majority northern Nigeria, where nary a Sunday passes without a church bombing, Christians are fleeing by the thousands; one region has been emptied of 95% of its Christian population.
  • In Pakistan, after a Christian child was falsely accused of desecrating a Koran and Muslims went on an anti-Christian rampage, an entire Christian village—men, women, and children—was forced to flee into the nearby woods, where they built a church, permanently resided there.
  • In Somali, where Christianity is completely outlawed, Muslim converts to Christianity are fleeing to neighboring nations, including Kenya and Ethiopia, sometimes to be tracked down and executed.
  • In Sudan, over half a million people, mostly Christian, have been stripped of citizenship in response to the South’s secession, and forced to relocate.
To anyone following the plight of Christians under Islam, none of this is surprising.  As I document in my new book, Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians, all around the Islamic world—in nations that do not share the same race, language, culture, or economics, in nations that share only Islam—Christians are being persecuted into extinction.   Such is the true face of the global Islamic resurgence.

Often forgotten is that, in the 7th century, half of the world’s entire Christian population was spread across what is now nonchalantly called the “Muslim world.”  Then, Islam, born in the deserts of Arabia, burst out in a series of world-altering jihads, conquering and slowly transforming these once Christian nations into Islamic nations.

In order to evade sporadic persecution and constant discrimination, over the centuries most Christians converted, while others fled.  A few opted to remain Christian and live as barely tolerated third-class subjects, or dhimmis, according to Sharia law.

They eventually experienced something of a renaissance during the colonial and post-colonial era, when many Muslims were Westward-looking.

But today, with the international resurgence of Muhammad’s religion, these remaining Christians are reaching extinction, as Islam’s 1400 year mission of supremacy and global hegemony continues unabated—even as the West looks the other way, that is, when it’s not actually supporting it in the context of the so-called “Arab Spring.”

quinta-feira, 9 de maio de 2013

Melhor investimento - Emprego mais bem remunerado - por Nuno Serras Pereira

09. 05. 2013

Bem sei, bem sei; nunca estudei economia nem finanças. Nem tenho formação académica em filosofia política, nem em sociologia; nem, além disso, tenho qualquer tipo de licenciatura. Mais não sou do que um tosco remendo na nas vestes da gloriosa Ordem franciscana. E, no entanto, ninguém me despersuade de que o melhor e mais urgente investimento, por parte de uma nação e de um estado como nosso, é na renovação das gerações, no crescimento da natalidade; apesar de todos os dias ouvir e ler opiniões dos mais graúdos economistas e fiscalistas que, na sua generalidade, ignoram petulantemente este “factor”.

Na suposição de que aquilo que afirmo é verdade, então daí derivará, como consequência inevitável, de que o trabalho, a profissão – que neste caso coincide com a vocação -, mais bem paga deverá ser, sem margens para dúvida, a da paternidade/maternidade (expressões como “parentalidade”, para além de não serem bom português, são ideologicamente venenosas), principalmente no matrimónio – isto é, no casamento natural -, onde os filhos são gerados, nutridos, educados e socializados. O casamento natural, e a família que dele resulta, é a sementeira e o útero, das sociedades sãs, das nações com futuro, da convivência amistosa, da justiça misericordiosa.

Se o estado obtuso se tem, cretinamente, nas últimas décadas, como a diluviana evidência o tem demonstrado à saciedade, empenhado com todas as veras na limitação dos nascimentos e na destruição da família; e se monetariamente em tudo corta menos nessa persecução suicida, então a única salvação, por mais abstrusa que se afigure aos católicos deformados e aos descrentes, será confiar na Providência Divina e acolher os filhos, sem manhas contraceptivas, que Deus quiser, obrigando, desse modo, à mudança de mentalidades e de comportamentos dos actuais ídolos eclesiásticos, dos poderes partidários, governamentais e estatais. 

Parece uma temeridade. Não é. Não queiramos fazer a figura da mãezinha que preocupada com a ida do filho para a força aérea, lhe recomendava instantemente: filhinho voa baixinho e devagarinho…

quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2013

‘I stared and stared at my son’: mom screamed for abortion workers to call 911 after baby born alive - by Sarah Terzo

May 7, 2013 (LiveActionNews.org) - In previous articles, Live Action has covered cases where babies born alive after abortions were denied medical care and allowed to die, or, in some cases, were killed by direct action. The recent trial of Kermit Gosnell shows that these incidents continue to occur. The sheer number of cases we know about leads one to wonder how often babies are born alive, but no one outside the abortion clinic ever knows.

In April of 2005, a pregnant woman named “Angele,” decided to abort her 22 week old unborn baby. She was in her 30s, divorced, and already had two children. She did not want a third child.  She chose Orlando Women’s Center, also called EPOC Clinic operated by Dr. James Pendergraft. The abortion clinic’s website advertises “3 minute pain-free abortions.” The Orlando Women’s Center has published newspaper ads offering abortions up to 28 weeks.

Angele had named her baby Rowan. She chose a method of abortion that she hoped would cause the child a minimum of suffering - an injection of digoxin in the heart to kill him, rather than dismemberment by D&E.

The abortionist first had to insert laminaria, small sticks that expand inside the woman and dilate the cervix, making the abortion procedure easier. Before the insertion of laminaria, Angele was given a sedative. In her own words:
“The injection burned a lot as it went in. … The discomfort was distracting. I still felt the ‘lams’ as they were being inserted. Dr. Perper told me to relax my muscles and noted that my cervix was slightly soft. I asked him what that meant and he said it was good.”
Angele says the clinic workers discussed injecting the digoxin, but they never did. She described the doctor Harry Perper, MD, as “a very fast moving, hyperactive type of person.”

When Angele went back to the hotel, she continued to feel her baby kick. This confused her because she had been led to believe that the baby would be dead. At one point, in the middle of the night, while the baby was still kicking, she considered calling the clinic’s after-hours line, but decided not to.

The next morning, Angele took the pills meant to cause her body to expel her baby. She arrived at the clinic around 9 am. She was ushered into a room and told that her doctor would not be in the clinic until 2pm, and that if she delivered before then, without him present, she would have to stay and be examined by him. Angele was given a blanket and a heating pad, and left alone to go through labor.

The contractions began. At one point, the pain became intense and she asked clinic worker “Violene” if she could be given anything to ease the pain. She also told Violene that she thought she was about to deliver. Violene told her she was not ready, and left her again. In Angele’s own words:
“I came back to the sofa, (they both really smelled awful), wrapped up in the wet and sour-smelling blanket, then decided it was better without it. I rocked back and forth on my hands and knees, trying to hold the heating pad to my stomach to both relieve the pain and try to stay warm. I was looking down and saw little smears and spots of dried blood on the floor and an old cotton ball with blood on it by the fabric-covered sofa across from me. Noticing how dirty it was and how no one was in the room or even nearby in the hallway began to make me nervous and uncomfortable. I went right back to the powder room and began to try to push a lot. I thought it might help since I was told I was not nearly ready to deliver.”
“In one agonizing push, I felt and heard something come out. Then immediately another push. I was weak. I just held my head in my hands for a moment. Then I decided to stand up. I looked. There was my baby, the whitish cord and what I thought surely must be the placenta. “I started sobbing and lay down in the floor. I stared and stared at my son. I was horrified that I had just had him in a commode.” “His right leg moved. He curled up a bit like he was cold; I screamed for Violene! No one came. I managed to get to the doorway, pants down, blood everywhere and yelled again. I went back to my baby. I heard her say she’d be right there.
“I showed her Rowan, told her he was alive and moving and to call 911! She took a quick look, said he’s not moving now and she’d be back to take care of things while walking out. I called her again. I was touching Rowan softly and he moved again. I called her back. Rowan jumped, I think startled by the loud sound of my calling for help. I showed her that he was moving and alive. I begged her to hurry and call 911, now!”
The clinic worker took one look at the moving baby and told Angele that she would get her supervisor. But the minutes ticked by, and no one came. It became clear to Angele that Violene was not going to summon help. She grabbed her phone and quickly dialed her friend, pleading with her to call 911 and send paramedics to save her baby. Listen to the call here. 

Angele continued to be left alone with her son, who she said reacted to her voice. All she could do was try and comfort him:
“I stayed beside Rowan talking to him, telling him how strong he was being and how proud I was of him. I told him God must really want us to be together for him to make it through everything he had just been through and that Mommy was so sorry but so happy to have a chance to love him. I told him he was a strong little miracle and that I couldn’t wait for him to meet his brother and sister. I just kept touching him, trying to warm him with my hands and talking to him so he would not feel any more afraid than he already must.”
Finally, the baby stopped moving as Angele waited for help.

She cradled the dead baby and began to pray, filled with remorse for choosing to undergo the abortion. A staff member came and demanded that she give her the baby. Angele refused, and continued to hold on to Rowan. The clinic workers left her alone briefly but returned to pressure her to give up the body of the child.

Meanwhile, the police (not the paramedics) showed up at the clinic. It was later found out that the paramedics had come, but a clinic worker, thought to be Violene, told them that a patient had merely “passed some tissue” and that “the physician had the situation under control.”(1) She convinced them not to enter the clinic. (The physician was not in the clinic at all when Violene told them this)

When Violene came back after talking to the police, Angele said:
“I spoke to her telling her how little I appreciated them telling the police my child was not alive. I stared hard at her and said, ‘Violene you saw him moving. That is when you were supposedly going to get your manager and “take care of it.” You stayed away until Rowan died. I don’t care what you say, you and I both know he was very much alive. We know the truth.’ She said nothing and turned away.
Although the doctor had never arrived and Angele had been told she had to be examined by him, the clinic workers seemed to want nothing more than to get her (and her friend, who had arrived) out of the clinic. They gave her a bag with medicine in it and ushered them both out the door.

Angele wanted an autopsy to be performed to prove Rowan was born alive. The local coroner refused to do it. Eventually, an autopsy was performed by Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jan C. Garavaglia.  The medical examiner was unable to determine whether Rowan had been born alive, because she did not find air in his lungs. However, she also found that, as Angele had said, the baby had most likely never been injected with Dixogin (there were no needle marks anywhere on the baby’s body, which would have been left had the injection occurred.) Dr. Garavaglia stated that it was “probable” that Rowan’s heart had been beating and that, therefore, he had been born alive. Without air in the lungs, however, it could not be officially proven. You can see Rowan’s autopsy report here. 
No action was ever taken against the clinic for Rowan’s death.
Angele later wrote a letter to Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman in which she said in part:
“Thank you very much for your kindness. It is amazing the out pour of kind words and support I am receiving after Rowan’s death.
I wish that I had such a network and support before, I would still be pregnant. …I hope that women will see my humiliation and remorse and seek forgiveness if they are post abortive.
I want to do everything in my power to see that this does not happen to other babies or mothers.
I want women in crisis pregnancies to see that whether they are of 6 weeks or 28 weeks gestation, that abortion will haunt them for the rest of their lives. I would like for them to know that no matter how little you want the pregnancy itself, you will want, love and cherish your child. Those 9 months of crisis are the toughest. If you make it through that, the rewards come 1000 fold!…. It is very shameful to step forward and admit publicly that I have been so wrong as to “choose” to take the life of my child. On the other hand if it will accomplish any or all of the above, then it is my duty, isn’t it? That is so long as I protect the children I have here first and foremost. I know God wants me to put them first, just as I should have with Rowan.”
1. Lynn Vincent“Death By Drowning” World 6/18/05

HLI Position on Administration of "Plan B" Contraceptives to Victims of Rape


May victims of rape be administered a “Plan B” (levonorgestrel-only) contraceptive?

Catholic bishops, ethicists, and researchers have given a variety of answers to this question. Some forbid its use entirely, others permit it only after certain tests are done, still others allow it every time a victim of rape seeks care. This disparity in policy is primarily a result of the status of the science that continues to explore how this drug works. Recently a furor over the announcement by the German bishops that Plan B was approved for use at Catholic hospitals seemed to end with widespread confusion and a deepening of divisions between those who disagree on the issue. We believe that such a resolution on so important a question is completely unsatisfactory.

Given the findings of the latest science that Plan B may very well have an abortifacient or embryocidal effect, it is Human Life International’s position that all use of Plan B in Catholic hospitals should be discontinued. We respectfully request that all bishops and those who advise bishops on these matters reconsider as soon as possible the approval of Plan B for use in Catholic hospitals.

The Church’s moral teaching regarding this matter is summarized by the Bishops of the United States in the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services:
A female who has been raped should be able to defend herself against a potential conception from the sexual assault...It is not permissible, however, to initiate or to recommend treatments that have as their purpose or direct effect the removal, destruction, or interference with the implantation of a fertilized ovum. (36)
With this moral principle in place, the question then becomes, Does Plan B cause early abortions? We set out to explore this through a series of articles published on our Truth and Charity Forum (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6). By publishing some of the strongest authors on the subject, all of whom approach the relevant science through the lens of orthodox Catholic moral theology, we wanted to provide a resource for bishops, and for those who advise bishops on the question of Plan B. Having researched the question and completed the series, HLI makes the following conclusions:
1.    Recent large and robust studies indicate that Levonorgestrel-only contraceptives such as Plan B rarely block ovulation, and most likely do result in the death of the embryo if administered during the first 4-5 days of the fertile window.*

2.    A Luteinizing Hormone (LH) protocol – a test whose outcome has been understood to determine whether a drug can be administered based on where the victim is in her cycle – cannot in fact detect that a woman is in these first days of her fertile window. Therefore a negative LH test may well encourage administration of Plan B precisely when it is most likely to cause an early direct abortion.**

3.    Because recent scientific studies have provided very strong data that indicates Plan B rarely has any contraceptive effects and is likely to have embryocidal effects, a medical practitioner cannot attain moral certainty that administration will not lead to early abortion.

4.    Since one cannot attain moral certainty that abortion will be avoided, protocols and policies that currently permit Catholic health care providers to administer Plan B need to be reconsidered by the appropriate diocesan authorities and hospital administrators. Nations in which abortion is illegal should be aware of this potential abortion-inducing effect and should prohibit the administration of these drugs.
These are our conclusions pending any developments in scientific research. Further, it appears that no contraceptive exists that is known to meet the reasonable criteria expressed by the Church above.

The urgency of addressing this matter comes to light when one considers the Church’s teaching regarding abortion expressed most recently in Dignitas personae:
It must be noted, however, that anyone who seeks to prevent the implantation of an embryo which may possibly have been conceived, and who therefore either requests or prescribes such a pharmaceutical, generally intends abortion. … Therefore the use of means of interception…fall within the sin of abortion and are gravely immoral. (23)
Here we have considered the use of a contraceptive following the unjust act of rape. We must, however, also reaffirm the Church’s unchanged and unchangeable doctrine on both abortion and the contraception of the marital act – both remain morally illicit without exception. As Pope Paul VI wrote in Humanae vitae, “it is necessary that each and every marriage act remain ordered per se to the procreation of human life.” (11)

We hope that Catholic bishops and those who advise them in these issues will see the urgency of revisiting the approval of Plan B for treatment of women who have been raped. These women deserve the absolute best life-affirming care possible, and this care should not include drugs that only compound the violence already suffered by causing abortions.

Further, we ask those concerned both for women who suffer rape and for nascent human life to approach bishops on these questions with respect, and pray for our shepherds that these and all answers to questions about human life and dignity may express, in the words of Dignitas personae, “a great ‘yes’ to human life.”


* There is a distinction in the scientific community between an abortifacient effect, which disrupts a pregnancy after implantation, and an embryocidal effect, which is “interceptive” or prevents implantation. Plan B appears to have the latter, embryocidal, effect. Since a human life is destroyed in either case, the distinction is not moral but technical, so we have stayed with the common language term and note here the difference.

** Previous scientific statements on Plan B’s mechanism of action declared Plan B to work mainly by preventing ovulation. Recent scientific evidence suggests, however, that Plan B does not work by preventing ovulation. Moreover, recent scientific evidence also shows that Plan B has no effect on cervical mucus or sperm function. Finally, as suggested in Point 1, recent evidence suggests that due to shortening of the luteal phase and other indicators, Plan B may likely prevent the new embryo from implanting into the uterine wall, resulting in an embryocidal effect.

terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2013

Amparo, exrevolucionaria y funcionaria de la ONU: «Mi trabajo era destrozar la fe de los católicos»

In RL 

Amparo lo tuvo claro. Era la Virgen María quien le hablaba.

Todo sucedió cuando recibió un disparo de la policía en plena refriega. Cuando despertó en el hospital decidió que su vida debía cambiar radicalmente.

Su “enfangada” vida debía dar un giro de 180 y dejar de lado su servilismo político y su vida de pecado, y dedicarse a las mujeres y a los niños buscando su auténtico bien.

Un abuelo católico
Ella había nacido en una familia muy normal de Ecuador. Su fe era tradicional, de Misa dominical y poco más. La excepción de la regla fue su abuelo, quien sí vivía una auténtica vida cristiana.

En cierta ocasión, siendo Amparo adolescente y de camino hacia el ateísmo, su abuelo le dejó unas palabras que no habría de olvidar nunca. Estaban entrando en una iglesia, y ante una imagen de la Virgen le dijo: “Mírala a los ojos. Ella es la única que te va a salvar y la que te va a llevar a la fe”. La cosa quedó ahí.

El resto fue una caída libre: expulsada del colegio por pelearse con una monja, y un encuentro con evangélicos que acabaron de rematar su camino rebelde y ateo.

La revolución y las izquierdasEran los años 70 y 80, y la oferta social que Amparo encontró fuera de la Iglesia era la de los movimientos revolucionarios, la teología de la liberación marxista, el Che Guevara, los movimientos feministas, abortistas, el indigenismo y ese largo etcétera. Se metió de cabeza en todo ello.

Si algo no se le puede reprochar a Amparo es que no fuera una persona coherente con sus principios. Y tomó todas las banderas, las abrazó y se dedicó a ellas. Lo mismo la encontrábamos en una confrontación armada o en una manifestación antigubernamental, que en una campaña a favor de los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres, es decir, promoviendo los anticonceptivos y el aborto.

Se radicaliza en EspañaComo la situación política en Ecuador se complicó, su padre la envió a España a estudiar Pedagogía Social. En este país obtuvo su título universitario, pero también su radicalización política y el contacto con otros movimientos revolucionarios, ateos y anticlericales.

Ya de vuelta a Ecuador, su visión feminista y de izquierdas casaba perfectamente bien con las políticas que lleva a cabo la ONU en Latinoamérica, así que gracias a ello y a su formación llegó a ser responsable en Ecuador del programa de la UNFPA, es decir del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas, desde donde contaba con todos los millones de dólares que necesitase para cumplir, o mejor dicho, imponer los programas contrarios a la natalidad, a favor del aborto y la anticoncepción.

Mi trabajo: quitar la fe a los católicos Amparo ha explicado en la cadena católica de televisión EWTN que “los grupos comunistas y socialistas saben que la única institución que puede romper sus mentiras es la Iglesia Católica. Entonces –confiesa- lo primero que buscas son argumentos que puedan destrozar la poca fe que tienen los católicos. Ves las noticias o vas detrás de ese sacerdote que no está viviendo su vida en gracia con Dios… Lo publicas y lo sacas en la prensa… Y –concluye- si hay que callar que en Ecuador, el 60% de las obras de ayuda a la gente pobre están en manos de la Iglesia, pues se silencia”.

Dañar a la Iglesia desde dentro

El gran problema de los sacerdotes es su soledad: “Nosotros íbamos buscando a los sacerdotes abandonados en los pueblos y en las serranías para decirles que si Dios existía, entonces por qué permitía la pobreza.

La única manera es la revolución. Únase a nosotros, y nosotros le ayudamos’. Había sacerdotes –lamenta ahora- que cedían y que pensaban que tendrían un grupo que le ayudase, que le apoyase, que estuviese con él… En ocasiones les ofrecíamos dinero a los sacerdotes y a las religiosas para que pudieran reconstruir, mejorar sus centros educativos con la única condición de que nos dejaran impartir clases de educación sexual y reproductiva en sus colegios”.

Alejándose aún más de Dios…En Amparo se cumple aquella cita de Chesterton que “cuando se deja de creer en Dios enseguida se cree en cualquier cosa”.

Inmersa en el ateísmo no dejaba de buscar algún resquicio de espiritualidad en la lectura de cartas, reiki, yoga…: “Como la vida en la lucha de izquierdas era una vida de pecado no te puedes librar de las consecuencias del pecado. Es la muerte espiritual. Son como pequeños pactos con el demonio. Y el demonio te los cobra -advierte. Así que empecé a sufrir por la parte del dinero".

Alguien me recomendó que me hiciera unas limpias. Tenía mis propios mantras… que ahora que he podido traducirlos dicen ‘yo pertenezco a Satanás’. Las mantras las hice en Estados Unidos e, incluso, llevé a mis hijos al chamán que era un maestro ascendido de la Religión Universal”.

…aunque Dios no está lejosEn cierta ocasión estando en una comunidad, Amparo le retó a Dios. Había una mujer rezando, pero ella empezó a increparla y llamarla loca. Al grado de que acabó rompiéndole una estampita que tenía la pobre señora.

Su prepotencia de revolucionaria no le facilitaba muchas otras soluciones en aquella ocasión. Poco después vino el siguiente paso hacia su conversión.

Herida por una bala de la policíaAmparo había participando en todo tipo de
manifestaciones y luchas contra el gobierno. En ocasiones movilizando a los indígenas y facilitando que éstos acudieran armados con lanzas. Pero cierto día estando en una de ellas fue herida por una bala. Cuando recibió el impacto, Amparo recuerda dos cosas: por un lado a su marido y sus hijos, y por otro lado una paz inexplicable, total. No tenía miedo de irse. Todo era alegría, gozo, paz…

En eso, escuchó una voz que le cantaba: “Vi unos ojos maravillosos. Vi el amor. Eran los ojos de la Virgen. ¡Eran justamente los ojos de la estampa que yo había roto! La estampa de la Virgen Milagrosa. La vi como una adolescente de 15 años. Con traje blanco…”.

Mientras ella se desangraba, lo único que sentía era paz, alegría… En ese momento la Virgen le dijo: “Mi pequeña, yo te amo”. Y le pidió que dejara todas las causas que ella llevaba y que tomara la causa de su Hijo. También se dio cuenta de que detrás de la Virgen había un señor mayor: era su abuelo.

Y su marido la tomó por loca
Cuando se despertó le narró toda la experiencia a su marido, Javier. Él la tomó por loca, y no era para menos. Una atea convencida, militante anticatólica, y despertando de aquellos sueños…

En seguida le llevaron a que maestros ascendidos, a psicólogos y expertos de la Nueva Era la examinaran y la convencieran de que aquellas experiencias eran fruto de sus alucinaciones y las heridas recibidas. Sin embargo, “nadie podía quitarme de la cabeza que era Dios”.

Lo primero, confesarse“Lo primero que necesitaba era un sacerdote. Necesitaba confesarme. Lo primero, lo primero, era la confesión. Yo le pedía a Dios que no me muriera por el camino, yendo a casa, porque me iría al infierno. En la confesión estaban todos los pecados. Los más horribles”.

Era una nueva etapa, y había que comenzar desde el principio y bien hecho todo. Así que “lo primero que hice fue aprender a amar a Jesús, a amar a los sacerdotes, a amar a la Iglesia, amar a los sacramentos”.

Amparo se sentía totalmente enfangada y a la vez invitada a una nueva revolución: “Lo único que transforma el mundo es Dios. Yo no soy digna. Es tan grande el amor de Dios…”

La conversión de su maridoAmparó rezó e invitó a su marido Javier a la conversión. Con el tiempo, Javier, igual de revolucionario que ella, empezó a dar pruebas de cambio por amor a Amparo.

Debía ser una experiencia dramática en sí misma por el solo hecho de tener que romper con toda una vida de convicciones y lucha comprometida. Amparo lo explica así: “Mi marido aceptó creer en Dios y en la Virgen, pero no creía en el sacramento. Pero Dios nos puso un sacerdote santo en el camino. Por fin se confesó y su confesión duró más de dos horas. Al salir, sintió que se había quitado quintales y quintales de cosas”.

Ahora tocaba denunciar las mentiras de la ONU

La conversión de las personas, las más de las veces, es un proceso largo y con etapas. Amparo estaba en camino, pero aún no renunciaba a toda su vida de pecado. Parte de ella la necesitaba, pues su sueldo de Naciones Unidas era un ingreso necesario para la familia y su ritmo de gastos.

Todo vino cuando una amiga suya le pidió información sobre la distribución de la píldora del día siguiente por parte de Naciones Unidas en Ecuador. Amparo era responsable de su importación y distribución en el país.

De hecho su agencia de Naciones Unidas había vendido a Ecuador 400.000 (cuatrocientas mil) dosis de la píldora del día siguiente. La ONU en Nueva York, a la UNFPA en Ecuador: “Nos las venden a 25 centavos de dólar, y nosotros las vendemos entre 9 y 14 dólares. Es un negocio redondo”.

En Ecuador hubo un juicio que perdió Naciones Unidas por la distribución de la píldora y lo ganaron los provida, puesto que tuvieron que reconocer que no es un método anticonceptivo, sino que es antiimplantatorio, es decir abortivo, y que se utiliza cuando los métodos anticonceptivos fallan.
El culmen de su decisión de convertirse y dar un paso  definitivo hacia Dios se dio de camino al juzgado en ese juicio que perdió la ONU: “Cuando estábamos llevando la información al Tribunal, un periodista me hizo una pregunta que pensé que era Dios quien me la hacía -estás con Dios o estás con el demonio-. La pregunta fue: ¿Qué pensaba yo de la pastilla del día siguiente? Y, claro, yo seguía trabajando para las Naciones Unidas y apoyaba a todas las organizaciones proaborto. En ese momento me di cuenta de que era el momento de decir la verdad y dejar de mentirme a mí misma. Era una incoherencia ser católica y a la vez, por el dinero, seguir apoyando a una organización que va contra mis valores. Y, claro, dije la verdad y las Naciones Unidas me echaron”.

¿Qué hay detrás de Naciones Unidas?
Detrás de los proyectos de la ONU, detrás de las palabras bonitas que usan cuando hablan de salud reproductiva, en realidad hay toda una promoción del aborto y de los anticonceptivos. Es el único objetivo para toda América Latina.

En la entrevista de Amparo en la cadena de televisión norteamericana EWTN, denunciaba que en el libro “Cuerpos, tambores y huellas”, editado por las propias Naciones Unidas, se reconoce la promoción de las relaciones sexuales en niños desde los 10 años. Y que en él se explica claramente tres cosas:

- que los padres no deben ser informados de la educación sexual que reciben sus hijos,

- que los colegios deben distribuir anticonceptivos a sus alumnos sin conocimiento y consentimiento de los padres,

- y que si un maestro o médico llegase a informar a los padres de que sus hijos están usando anticonceptivos, ese maestro o médico debe ser expulsado de su trabajo por romper el silencio profesional.

Amparo, y no sólo de ella, denuncian la existencia de un completo negocio en el que no se desaprovecha nada: se promueve las relaciones sexuales entre los niños y adolescentes, y se les venden preservativos. Como éstos fallan, entonces se les ofrece el aborto o la píldora del día siguiente. Como el aborto produce restos humanos, estos sirven bien para la experimentación o bien para extraer algunas sustancias que después se usan cremas, champús, etc. Negocio completo.

Puede ver una conferencia de Amparo Medina

Y ahora en la lucha por la vidaLa realidad fue más dura de lo previsto en un primer momento. El matrimonio lo perdió todo cuando salió de la revolución. Tuvieron que renunciar a muchas cosas, las primeras a las materiales. Pero fue “hermoso encontrar juntos el amor de Dios y quitarse los mitos con respecto a los sacerdotes, a la Virgen, a la Iglesia…”

Amparo Medina y su marido Javier Salazar son padres de tres hijos. Ella es Directora ejecutiva de Acción Provida Ecuador (http://accionprovida.com.ec/) además de colaborar y asesorar en otros organismos.

Ahora también lucha por la familia, las mujeres y los niños, pero desde la verdad integral de las personas, y no desde el negocio económico.

Amenazas de muerteUn nuevo enfoque, sí, pero no exento de peligros. Así, Amparo ha sufrido amenazas de muerte como la que recibió no hace mucho en una caja de zapatos dentro de la cual había una rata muerta con el mensaje “muerte a los provida” y “recuerde que los accidentes existen, recuerde que las muertes accidentales son el día a día de este país, NO SIGA CON SU CAMPAÑA ANTI MUJER Y HOMOFÓBICA…Muerte a los traidores, muerte a los anti Patria, MUERTE O REVOLUCIÓN”.

Amparo no se arredra. Y sigue con su lucha confiada en que tiene en sus manos la posibilidad de defender miles de vidas humanas.

Si desea ver una entrevista realizada a Amparo Medina en la cadena de televisión nortemericana EWTN puede seguirla aquí