quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2013

Os políticos e os extraterrestres - por Nuno Serras Pereira

17. 07. 2013

Devido a uma leitura precipitada e consequentemente errada do magnífico Concilio Vaticano II, um dos muitos esplendorosos da Igreja, uma parte da hierarquia da Igreja em terras de Portugal e muitos dos fiéis leigos consideraram que a condição de católico era compatível com toda e qualquer organização sindical e partidária. Se essa interpretação do Concílio fosse correcta desmentiria o Episcopado Alemão que, anos antes, excomungava os fiéis que se inscrevessem no partido nazi.

A pluralidade legítima na resolução de problemas concretos que dependem do juízo prudencial de cada um, de que o Concílio fala, nada tem a ver com os absolutos morais enquanto princípios inegociáveis que vinculam a consciência de todos os fiéis e, portanto, também a dos Católicos que se empenham na política. Por exemplo, o direito à saúde e ao trabalho, uma vez que assentam na transcendente e eminente dignidade da pessoa humana (também há pessoas angélicas e Divinas), são sem dúvida alguma um absoluto moral e por isso exigem o empenho resoluto e determinado de qualquer fiel. No entanto, a melhor maneira, ou os meios, de os alcançar e garantir não constituem qualquer absoluto moral, pois que existe um pluralismo de caminhos cuja análise e conclusões podem legitimamente variar dando assim origem a propostas diversas na aplicação das políticas, as quais podem e devem licitamente admitir negociações e compromissos. Mas estes meios, nada têm a ver com os princípios inegociáveis, propriamente ditos, os quais garantem não só a bondade ou maldade dos fins mas também a dos meios para os alcançar ou evitar. Explico-me melhor, não somente é sempre, e em qualquer circunstância, injusto provocar o aborto como o é também admitir na lei, fazer campanha a seu favor ou dar-lhe aprovação com o seu voto. O mesmo se deve dizer em relação à eutanásia e suicídio assistido; à fecundação artificial medicamente substituída, ao congelamento de embriões humanos, à experimentação, eliminação ou clonagem dos mesmos; ao impropriamente chamado “casamento” entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, à co-adopção ou adopção por parte de homossexuais; à subtracção das crianças ao direito dos pais as educarem segundo as suas consciências e crença religiosa ou Fé, desde que nestas nada haja contrário à Lei Moral Natural.

Graças a Deus que na história desde o 25 de Abril houve Católicos corajosos e fiéis a Jesus Cristo e à Sua Igreja que combateram desassombradamente e com denodo em defesa dos princípios inegociáveis não pactuando com qualquer compromisso que os aguasse ou distorcesse. Enquanto “católicos” confusos ou manipulados ou pervertidos votavam e promulgavam crimes inomináveis, por exemplo, a “lei” 6/84 que “legalizou” a chacina de crianças nascituras, outros, em frente unida (PSD e CDS) a elas se opunham com grande clareza e destimidez.

Infelizmente, ou melhor, desgraçadamente, essas duas forças partidárias foram paulatinamente parasitadas por marxistas/liberais (sei que parece estranha a associação, mas é uma fusão verdadeira) e maçons que têm tido o condão de fazer a essas agremiações e seus membros católicos o mesmo que os extraterrestres fazem, nos filmes de ficção, aos humanos: matam-nos, esvaziam-nos, tomam de assalto as suas interioridades, mantendo tão só as suas aparências, e desse modo vão expandindo-se, eliminando as populações e conquistando a Terra. Somente que enquanto nessas fitas as mortes são físicas aqui, na realidade, são espirituais e provavelmente eternas.

De há uns anos a esta parte alguns Católicos generosos, de sangue na guelra, fogosos como cavalos de combate adentraram-se em alguns partidos com o propósito de mudá-los por dentro e restituir-lhes o empenho e dedicação ao Bem Comum, isto é, ao bem de todos e cada um, desde a sua fase unicelular até à morte natural, ou seja, à vida cuidada, servida e amada até ao fim. Infelizmente tem-se verificado que, não obstante, alguns ganhos, as perdas são muito maiores, uma vez que essas associações parlamentares têm vindo de mal a pior e de pior ao péssimo. De facto, não se pode negar que apesar dos esforços desgastantes desta gente boa a decadência tem-se acelerado tão vertiginosamente que actualmente não existe em Portugal nenhum grupo parlamentar que aceite e muito menos se bata pelos absolutos morais e princípios inegociáveis. Daí que podemos concluir que esta gente, apesar do seu sacrifício, tem contribuído para promover as facções partidárias a que pertencem e fidelizar o voto católico contribuindo assim para a degeneração e corrupção dos cristãos e da Igreja. Parece que estão a repetir os erros daqueles “católicos”, que há não muito tempo tentaram algo de semelhante num outro partido, mas que afinal mais não eram que “compagnons de route”, o que em português se poderá traduzir como “idiotas úteis”, descartáveis logo que se alcance o objectivo para que serviram.

Nas circunstâncias actuais só vislumbro duas hipóteses, a saber, ou há uma invasão maciça e organizada de Católicos, de consciência bem formada, fiéis ao Magistério da Igreja, ou de Homens de boa vontade, isto é que seguem a Lei Natural, que tomem o poder ou estes mesmos têm o dever moral grave de se desembaraçarem rapidamente desses bandos de malfeitores e formarem um novo partido político. Não um partido confessional, nem um partido mais ou menos mono-temático como os diversos que têm surgido em alguns países não conseguindo nunca mais do que 1% ou lá perto.

Confesso que actualmente me parece cada vez mais difícil a primeira hipótese ( a da entrada maciça de Católicos) pelo que me parece de melhor aviso a segunda. Não se cuide porém que isto seja um pensamento original ou mesmo uma patacoada excêntrica. 

O Arcebispo Giampaolo Crepaldi (Presidente do Observatório Internacional Cardeal Van Thuân - cujo processo de Beatificação está decorrendo -, é uma das inteligências mais preclaras do Episcopado italiano, o que possui um entendimento mais profundo da Doutrina Social da Igreja, a par da mais nítida clareza e desassombro no anuncio da Verdade) afirma limpidamente isso mesmo, pelo menos, num dos seus livros: quando não há partidos políticos que respeitem os princípios inegociáveis os Católicos têm o dever de criar um novo partido que o faça. 

À honra de Cristo. Ámen.

Una Legge Francese obbligherá i Provider Internet a Denunciare Chiunque Critica il "Matrimonio" Gay - di Leone Grotti


La ministra dei Diritti delle donne, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, ha presentato in Francia il suo progetto di legge per favorire "l'uguaglianza tra uomini e donne". Tra le tante disposizioni previste, ce n'è una che farà discutere: quella che obbliga i provider di internet (i corrispettivi francesi di Fastweb o Tiscali) a denunciare tutto ciò che su internet ha un contenuto sessista o omofobo.

La proposta è contenuta nell'articolo 17 del progetto di legge, già ridefinito "delazione per tutti". Oggi i provider di internet non sono responsabili di ciò che viene pubblicato sul web tramite i servizi da loro offerti. Se la legge passerà, i provider dovranno bandire espressioni che inneggino a crimini contro l'umanità o incitino all'odio. Per questo dovranno rendere disponibile agli utenti un dispositivo di allarme con il quale questi potranno segnalare al provider un contenuto offensivo. A questo punto, il provider «dovrà obbligatoriamente informare in modo tempestivo le autorità pubbliche competenti degli atti illeciti segnalati». Se non lo faranno, e questa è una delle novità, i provider stessi saranno ritenuti responsabili e perseguibili penalmente.

Tra le «nuove linee guida» su che cosa significhi «incitamento all'odio», ecco la seconda novità, la ministra Vallaud-Belkacem ha inserito le espressioni «sessiste, omofobe e discriminatorie verso i disabili». Se passerà la legge, dunque, ogni frase pubblicata su internet ritenuta "omofoba" dovrà essere denunciata obbligatoriamente.

Vista la reazione sproporzionata della polizia francese e del governo Hollande alle proteste contro il matrimonio gay, con l'eclatante condanna a quattro mesi di prigione del giovane Nicolas, e l'interpretazione corrente del termine "omofobia", che comprende tutte le opinioni che si oppongono alla legge Taubira sul matrimonio per tutti, si può star certi che dal giorno dell'approvazione della "legge sull'uguaglianza tra donne e uomini" verranno denunciate decine e decine di persone al giorno in Francia come "omofobe". Dal matrimonio per tutti alla delazione per tutti.

Nota di BastaBugie: si è costituito il gruppo degli "Hommen", ragazzi con la maschera bianca che a torso nudo manifestano pacificamente la loro contrarietà alle nozze gay imposte dal presidente Hollande. Tra i tanti video presenti in internet ve ne proponiamo uno relativo alla preannunciata incursione durante la finale del torneo di tennis al Roland Garros. Si conclude con l'arresto di 11 giovani.

Da notare che quando le Femen sono entrate a seno nudo nella cattedrale di Notre Dame a Parigi nessuna di loro è stata arrestata nonostante la nudità e il vilipendio di un luogo religioso fortemente simbolico. Ricordiamo che le Femen sono approvate dal presidente Hollande e sono a favore dei matrimoni gay.

terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2013

Model gay adoptive ‘fathers’ sexually abused 6-year-old for years: offered him to pedophile ring - by Thaddeus Baklinski

SYDNEY, July 3, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Police in Australia have described as "depraved" the case of a six-year-old boy who was sexually abused by his adoptive homosexual "fathers" and other men who were part of an international child-porn syndicate known as the Boy Lovers network. 

Authorities in Australia and the US worked together to arrest and charge the men after it emerged that the boy had been offered to men in Australia, the US, France and Germany for sexual exploitation and the production of child pornography from a very young age. 

Last week one of the men, an American named Mark J. Newton, 42, was jailed in the U.S. for 40 years and ordered to pay $400,000 in restitution to the child, while the other, Peter Truong, 36, from New Zealand, awaits sentencing in his home country.

"None of these cases are very good," Detective Inspector Jon Rouse, who heads Australia’s Queensland Police Taskforce Argos, which investigates online child exploitation and abuse, told the AFP news agency.

"What's pretty sad about this one is the way this child came into their lives. It's just really a tragedy. It's extremely depraved."

According to reports, Newton and Truong, living in Cairns, Australia at the time, began looking for a surrogate mother to give birth to a child in 2002.

The same-sex couple finally found a woman in Russia who gave birth to their child for a fee of $8,000. Mark Newton is believed to be the biological father of the boy, dubbed "Adam" in order to protect his identity.

Adam was handed over to Newton and Truong five days after his birth in 2005. 

Australian media covered Adam's arrival home, describing the two men as happy, loving fathers. 

In a case of bitter irony, in one article Mark told a reporter that authorities had questioned he and Peter at length when they first brought Adam to Australia, and that he was sure that they were under suspicion of pedophilia. But, he said, "We're a family just like any other family."

On July 14, 2010, when Adam was 5 years old, ABC Far North Queensland broadcast a story titled "Two dads are better than one" which stated that "becoming parents was hard work for gay couple Pete and Mark, but they'd do it all over again if they had to.”

"We decided that we would have a child, that it was time for us to have a family," Newton and Truong told ABC. "We wanted to experience the joys of fatherhood." 

"It's a happy, relaxed family," ABC said, "but it wasn't an easy road to get there. After many hurdles, [Adam] was born by surrogacy in Russia." 

Russian news service RT Novosti reported that Adam began to be sexually abused by his same-sex ‘dads’ when he was 22 months old. 

"Later on," RT Novosti reported, "they made Adam available for sex with other members of the pedophile ring in Australia, France, Germany and the US, for which Newton and Truong had to travel extensively. Police investigators have found proof of at least eight men in these countries having contact with Adam when he was between the ages of two and six."

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Two other men, American residents John R Powell, 41, a Florida-based lawyer, and Jason Bettuo, a 36-year-old Michigan tennis coach, have also been charged, according to Australia's Channel 7 News. 

Police began the investigation that led to the arrests after a chance discovery of suspicious images during a raid on the home of a child sex offender in Wellington, NZ.

Australian police said the images themselves were not illegal, but were recognized as "modelling shots."

Further investigations unearthed chat logs between Newton and Truong and other members of the Boy Lovers network. 

When police raided the homosexual couple's home in Cairns they found enough evidence on computers and other video devices to ensure their arrest. Adam was removed and placed in foster care. 

At his sentencing hearing, held in District Court in Indianapolis, Newton told the court that, "being a father was an honor and a privilege that amounted to the best six years of my life," according to the NY Daily News.

US District Judge Sarah Evans Barker responded, "Words don't help ... What can be said? What can be done to erase some of the horror of this?"

Judge Barker added that she felt Newton deserved a more severe sentence but that he was tried at district court level to save a jury from having to look at the images produced by the defendants.

"These men submitted this young child to some of the most heinous acts of exploitation that this office has ever seen," said Indiana U.S. Attorney Joe Hogsett, after the hearing. 

Russian Ombudsman for Children’s Rights, Pavel Astakhov, told RT Novosti that the Russian government is tightening up adoption laws to prevent another case like Adam's. 

“Russian orphans always attracted foreign perverts because of accessibility. The foreigners were simply coming and taking children for money,” Astakhov said. 

In December 2012, Russia passed the ‘Dima Yakovlev Law’ that banned American citizens from adopting Russian children.

In June 2013, the state Duma passed an amendment that bans the adoption of Russian children by same-sex couples from abroad and forbids single people who are citizens or permanent residents of countries that allow same sex "marriage" to become adoptive parents or legal guardians of Russian children. 

Russia itself does not allow same sex "marriage" and the country’s authorities have passed a number of regional and federal bills banning the promotion of homosexual and other sexual aberrations to children.

Courageous MP thrown out of Irish government for refusing to back legal abortion - by Peter Saunders

July 13, 2013 (PJSaunders) - Ireland's Europe minister quit last Thursday over plans to legalise abortion as Prime Minister Enda Kenny pressed ahead with legislation that has polarised the country.

Kenny has provoked a strong backlash by pushing for access to abortion when a woman threatens suicide, a move that opponents say could easily open the floodgates to abortion on demand.

Lucinda Creighton, once tipped as a possible leader of the Fine Gael party, was automatically expelled from its grouping in parliament for voting against an amendment to the new law and will now lose her role as minister for European affairs.

‘When it comes to something that is essentially a matter of life and death, I think it is not really possible to compromise,’ Creighton told state broadcaster RTE after the vote.

Ireland’s lower house of parliament passed the bill by 127 votes to 31 and acceptance in the upper house is considered by many now to be a formality.

Under the new bill abortions will be legal if ‘there is a real and substantial risk of loss of the woman’s life by way of suicide’ and if an abortion is the only way of averting the suicide. Three doctors must sign off on each case. No time limits are mentioned in the legislation.

Ms Creighton objected vehemently to this clause. She argued that it was unworkable and ‘has the potential to normalise suicidal ideation by enshrining suicide on our statute book for the first time’.

After the vote Ms Creighton said that she was very sad to be forced out of the party. But in a lengthy apologia, Ms Creighton told the Dail that she was not a ‘pro-life campaigner’ but that that abortion was not a ‘liberal’ cause. It was ‘a tool for the oppression of women’. She also disavowed a religious motivation for her principled stand:

‘There is an emerging consensus in Ireland which suggests that having a sense of morality has something to do with the Catholic Church…. This is deeply worrying. It is a lazy way of attempting to undermine the worth of an argument, without actually dealing with the substance. This is not just a Catholic issue, any more than it is a Protestant or Muslim issue. This is not a religious issue. It is a human rights issue… We all have the right to conscientious objection. It is enshrined in Article 18 of the United Nations, Universal Declaration on Human Rights.’

Martin Luther King Jr's argued in his influential ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’ - written 50 years ago in April 1963 – that conscience was the lodestar of an honourable man.

Professor John Wyatt has defended its use in medicine saying that ‘the right of conscience helps to preserve the moral integrity of the individual clinician, preserves the distinctive characteristics and reputation of medicine as a profession, acts as a safeguard against coercive state power, and provides protection from discrimination for those with minority ethical beliefs.’

But the right of conscientious objection is increasingly coming under attack from a number of prominent ethicists and writers. According to Oxford Professor Julian Savalescu, a prominent bioethicist:

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'A doctor's conscience has little place in the delivery of modern medical care… If people are not prepared to offer legally permitted, efficient and beneficial care to a patient because it conflicts with their values, they should not be doctors’.

recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine similarly stated:
'As the gate-keepers to medicine, physicians and other health care providers have an obligation to choose specialties that are not moral minefields for them. Do you have qualms about abortion, sterilization and birth control - do not practice women’s health.’  

As I have previously argued there is a strong biblical precedent for the exercise of conscience when governing authorities act to threaten innocent human life.

The Hebrew midwives when ordered by the king of Egypt to kill all male Hebrew children refused to do so and as a result we are told that God commended and rewarded them (Exodus 1:15-22).

Rahab the harlot similarly refused to co-operate with the king of Jericho in handing over the innocent Israelite spies (Joshua 2:1-14). She is later praised for her faith in so doing (Hebrews 11:31; Jas 2:25).
Moreover conscience was often exercised at great personal cost.

The prospect of death as a consequence of disobedience to state law did not stop Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refusing to bow down to the image (Daniel 4:6-8), or Daniel persisting with public prayer (Daniel 6:1-10). They were defiant.
In the New Testament when Peter and John were commanded by the Jewish authorities not to preach the Gospel they replied,  'We must obey God rather than men' and went right on doing it (Acts 5:29).

As Ms Creighton has argued, abortion is not just an issue that concerns Christians.

It also runs counter to the Hippocratic Oath, the Declaration of Geneva, the International Code of Medical Ethics and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In fact the British Medical Association once called it ‘the greatest crime’.

Ms Creighton is to be commended for her courageous stand. What a shame that more did not stand with her.

More evidence that those who say they want Abortion “Safe and Legal” are not really serious about the “safe” part - by Msgr. Charles Pope

In AofW

Many of you are aware that last week the Texas Legislature passed historic legislation that significantly limits abortion in Texas and shows that the claim of the “Pro-Choice” abortion advocates that they mere want abortion “safe and legal.” For the Texas Law places significant requirements that so-called “clinics” must meet basic medical requirements and certification. All of these requirements will significantly enhance women’s safety from unsafe and shoddy medical practices all too common in abortion “clinics.”
Now, of course, pro-choice advocates, who have long marched under the banner of “safe and legal,” should hail the Texas decision since it goes a long way to ensure one of their two “pillar” positions (i.e. that abortion be “safe”). But of course they are not, they are howling in protest.

Yet as strong advocates for “women’s safety” they claim to look back in horror to the days of “coat-hanger” abortions and insist that those days must never return. So, surely, they will support measures to further protect women from the often unsafe, unsanitary and under-regulated women’s “clinics.” Many stories have recently surfaced that show just how unsafe these clinics are. For example
  1. http://www.slate.com/id/2285810/
  2. http://bmb.oxfordjournals.org/content/67/1/99.full
  3. http://veneremurcernui.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/more-abortion-clinics-found-unsafe/
  4. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/legal_ugly_unsafe_igmHR7AIndw0LBZjeBTSqO
  5. http://www.slate.com/id/2285631/
  6. http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/flexicontent/item/14578-abortion-doc-gosnell-associate-in-delaware-is-suspended/
  7. http://www.slate.com/id/2285491/
  8. http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20110205/NEWS02/102050352/Delaware-health-officials-clergy-urge-lawmakers-act-abortion
  9. http://www.politicspa.com/gop-dems-on-same-page-in-response-to-abortion-clinic-scandal/21114/
Well, you get the point. There are huge problems in the abortion “industry” regarding safety. The pro-choice advocates claim they want to have safe abortions available. Here comes Texas to the rescue with strong legislative protections for women who go to these so-called clinics. But as we can see from the reactions above, the “safe and legal” advocates are well prepared to sacrifice safety in order to keep abortion more legal.

It is clear that regulating abortion will limit its availability. Hence the “Safe” pillar, they claim to be at the foundation of their movement, has to give way for the legal pillar. Never mind that some women are butchered and even die.

It would seem it’s really the “legal” of “safe and legal” that matters. Or so it would seem. For all the talk about women’s safety, it would appear that such a concern is quite secondary.

Hence, the Texas Law puts the lie to the propaganda of the Pro-choice advocates. “Safe” for them appears to be more of an abstraction or a slogan. Real safety doesn’t seem to interest them, or at least, it seems to threaten them.

Without a doubt, the victory in Texas is a sad and ironic one. Focusing on women’s safety is a fine goal in itself. But, what of the safety of the unborn children? Well, step by step we’ll make this journey to recapture of the hearts of our countrymen. As for the safety of women, fine, but half of all babies killed are female. Would that Pro-Choice advocates really care about the safety of all women and children.

Here at least is a step to further exposing the hypocrisy of many who cry “safe and legal.” Here at least is a step in seeing that women who are often pressured to have abortions are not easily subjected to the horrors of an under-regulated “industry.”

Exigen veto total a proyecto de ley del aborto en Brasil

SAO PAULO, 15 Jul. 13 / 05:11 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Paulo Fernando Melo da Costa, abogado brasileño experto en derecho constitucional, pidió a la Conferencia Nacional de Obispos de Brasil (CNBB), “en nombre del pueblo brasileño, en especial los católicos de esta gran nación”, que se pronuncien a favor del veto a proyecto de ley PLC 3/2013, que busca abrir las puertas al aborto en el país.
A pocos días de la llegada del Papa Francisco a Brasil, con la ocasión de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud (JMJ) Río 2013, las dos cámaras del Congreso de Brasil aprobaron, como trámite urgente, el proyecto de ley PLC 3/2013, que aprueba con eufemismos el aborto, escondiéndolo tras la excusa de “atención a las víctimas de violencia sexual”.

El texto fue aprobado el 4 de julio y está a la espera de ser aprobado por la presidenta de Brasil, Dilma Rousseff.

En una carta abierta dirigida a los Obispos, Paulo Fernando Melo da Costa advirtió que “el PLC 3/2013 utiliza el pretexto de servicios meritorios a las mujeres víctimas de violencia para abrir las puertas al aborto”.

“El Partido de los Trabajadores (PT) por fin está a punto de conseguir, de la forma más traicionera posible, legalizar el aborto en Brasil”, denunció, advirtiendo que la posible firma de Dilma Rouseff al proyecto de ley aprobado por el Congreso coronará “un esfuerzo de décadas a favor de la eliminación de seres humanos indefensos e inocentes”.

Melo da Costa señaló que si bien “a primera vista, se trata de un proyecto que se ocupa de la atención a las víctimas de la violencia sexual (que es digno de elogio)”, tras “encajar muy bien las piezas” se descubren “los objetivos ocultos”.

Dentro del proyecto de ley aprobado, indicó el experto, se incluye la “prevención del embarazo” y “el suministro de información a las víctimas sobre los derechos legales”.

Esto, advirtió el abogado pro-vida brasileño, incluye “la administración de la píldora del día después y el aborto”.

“En la práctica, cualquier mujer que llegue a un hospital alegando haber tenido una relación sexual no consentida (la definición de ‘violencia sexual’ que figura en el PLC 3/2013) gana así el derecho de ser llevada a un servicio de ‘aborto legal’”, señaló.

Melo da Costa indicó que con esta normativa bastaría “que una mujer interesada en abortar se dirija a cualquier hospital y diga que quedó embarazada tras una relación sexual no consentida, para aprovechar el vacío legal que no pena a un aborto cometido en caso de embarazo por violación”.

El abogado advirtió además que este proyecto de ley “no incluye la posibilidad de la objeción de conciencia”, por lo que “instituciones religiosas, por ejemplo, estarían obligadas a remitir a la mujer embarazada a un ‘aborto legal’, independientemente de sus principios”.

Melo da Costa señaló que es “evidente” la participación del gobernante Partido de los Trabajadores (PT) en “la aprobación del PLC 3/2013”, y señaló a los miembros de este partido que colaboraron en el camino del proyecto de ley abortista, como Alexandre Padilha, Iara Bernardi, José Guimarães y André Vargas.

La “tramitación relámpago” que llevó a la aprobación del proyecto de ley abortista en las dos cámaras del Congreso brasileño, indicó, tuvieron como objetivo “impedir lecturas más atentas del proyecto, y que desenmascararan las intenciones de sus autores”.

“Tenemos que recordar lo obvio”, escribió el abogado pro-vida, “el aborto es la eliminación deliberada de un ser humano inocente e indefenso. Una sociedad que tolera tal tratamiento provoca su propia degradación”.

Sin embargo, Melo da Costa remarcó que este “no es el caso de Brasil, donde la mayoría de la población condena el aborto”.

“Así, el PT, al promover de forma tramposa la ampliación del acceso al aborto ofende no solo la dignidad humana, sino también el sentimiento general del pueblo brasileño”.

Tras exponer sus argumentos, el líder pro-vida, “a condición de ciudadano, abogado y católico, militante del movimiento pro-vida, ruego a Vuestras Reverendísimas, que no sean omisos en esta hora, pues la Historia se encargará –es más– y el juicio de Dios, de la decisión que tomen”.

“Vuestras Excelencias Reverendísimas son llamadas hoy a posicionarse en defensa de la vida, por el Veto Total al PLC 03/2013. Así lo quiere expresar la mayoría del pueblo brasileño que está contra el aborto, así lo exige el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica y muchos documentos pontificios, de modo especial la Evangelium Vitae”.

Melo da Costa concluyó su carta abierta expresando su confianza en que los Obispos brasileños tomarán “la decisión correcta”.