sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2013
quinta-feira, 4 de julho de 2013
Galli Della Loggia, historiador ex-comunista, denuncia la «revolución anticristiana» en Europa hoy
“Una gran revolución se acerca en silencio a su fin en Europa. Una revolución de la mentalidad y de las costumbres colectivas que marca una gran ruptura con el pasado: la revolución anti-religiosa. Una revolución que golpea indiscriminadamente al hecho religioso en sí de cualquier confesión, pero que por razones históricas, y en concreto hablando de Europa, se presenta como una revolución esencialmente anticristiana”.
Así comienza un artículo escrito en la primera página de Il Corriere della Sera por Ernesto Galli della Loggia, intelectual laico italiano no conocido precisamente por sus posiciones conservadoras.
Por su interés y actualidad, ReL recoge en este reportaje las principales partes de este artículo de opinión.
Galli della Loggia es uno de los muchos intelectuales laicos italianos que se ha desvinculado del coro de acusaciones contra la Iglesia “oscurantista” que asola hoy en día el continente.
“Las iglesias cristianas no sólo han sido expulsadas progresivamente en casi todas partes de cualquier esfera pública mínimamente relevante, [...] sino que, a diferencia de las demás religiones, en la actualidad es legítimo dirigir las ofensas más graves y los insultos más sangrientos contra el cristianismo”, se lamenta.
El historiador y periodista hace un variado elenco de las diferentes ofensas que la religión cristiana está recibiendo en Europa:
» En Irlanda, las iglesias están obligadas a alquilar sus propias salas de celebraciones, incluso para bodas entre homosexuales;
» en Roma, durante el concierto del 1 de Mayo, el cantante imitó el gesto de la consagración durante la Eucaristía pero con un preservativo entre sus manos en lugar de la hostia sagrada;
» en Dinamarca, el Parlamento ha aprobado una ley que exige a la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana celebrar matrimonios entre personas del mismo sexo a pesar de que una tercera parte de sus ministros se hayan manifestado en contra;
» en Escocia dos obsétricas católicas fueron obligadas por un tribunal a participar en abortos realizado por sus compañeros; el colegio oficial de médicos británicos ha determinado que deben estar preparados para dejar de lado sus creencias personales con respecto a algunos aspectos controvertidos;
» en un vídeo reciente de David Bowie, aparece una escena en la que un sacerdote, después de golpear a un mendigo, entra en un burdel y seduce a una monja con estigmas en sus manos; en Inglaterra, se le ha prohibido a una enfermera llevar una cruz en el cuello durante horas de trabajo,
» una pequeña imprenta ha tenido que enfrentarse a acciones legales por negarse a imprimir material sexualmente explícito encargado por una revista gay; en Francia, de acuerdo con la legislación vigente, es prácticamente imposible para los cristianos manifestar públicamente que las relaciones sexuales entre personas del mismo sexo constituye un pecado según su religión”.
Y así sucesivamente en una avalancha de casos impresionantes que se pueden consultar en el sitio web
Por último, el periodista e historiador concluye: “La libertad religiosa por un lado y la libertad de opinión y de expresión por otro –que son los dos pilares de la libertad política- van al unísono. Desde este punto de vista, es aún más preocupante el hecho de que hoy en día, en Europa, en muchos lugares y de muchas maneras, la libertad de los cristianos parezca objetivamente en peligro de extinción”.
Puede consultar el artículo completo en Il Corriere della Sera aquí.
“Una gran revolución se acerca en silencio a su fin en Europa. Una revolución de la mentalidad y de las costumbres colectivas que marca una gran ruptura con el pasado: la revolución anti-religiosa. Una revolución que golpea indiscriminadamente al hecho religioso en sí de cualquier confesión, pero que por razones históricas, y en concreto hablando de Europa, se presenta como una revolución esencialmente anticristiana”.
Así comienza un artículo escrito en la primera página de Il Corriere della Sera por Ernesto Galli della Loggia, intelectual laico italiano no conocido precisamente por sus posiciones conservadoras.
Por su interés y actualidad, ReL recoge en este reportaje las principales partes de este artículo de opinión.
Galli della Loggia es uno de los muchos intelectuales laicos italianos que se ha desvinculado del coro de acusaciones contra la Iglesia “oscurantista” que asola hoy en día el continente.
“Las iglesias cristianas no sólo han sido expulsadas progresivamente en casi todas partes de cualquier esfera pública mínimamente relevante, [...] sino que, a diferencia de las demás religiones, en la actualidad es legítimo dirigir las ofensas más graves y los insultos más sangrientos contra el cristianismo”, se lamenta.
El historiador y periodista hace un variado elenco de las diferentes ofensas que la religión cristiana está recibiendo en Europa:
» En Irlanda, las iglesias están obligadas a alquilar sus propias salas de celebraciones, incluso para bodas entre homosexuales;
» en Roma, durante el concierto del 1 de Mayo, el cantante imitó el gesto de la consagración durante la Eucaristía pero con un preservativo entre sus manos en lugar de la hostia sagrada;
» en Dinamarca, el Parlamento ha aprobado una ley que exige a la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana celebrar matrimonios entre personas del mismo sexo a pesar de que una tercera parte de sus ministros se hayan manifestado en contra;
» en Escocia dos obsétricas católicas fueron obligadas por un tribunal a participar en abortos realizado por sus compañeros; el colegio oficial de médicos británicos ha determinado que deben estar preparados para dejar de lado sus creencias personales con respecto a algunos aspectos controvertidos;
» en un vídeo reciente de David Bowie, aparece una escena en la que un sacerdote, después de golpear a un mendigo, entra en un burdel y seduce a una monja con estigmas en sus manos; en Inglaterra, se le ha prohibido a una enfermera llevar una cruz en el cuello durante horas de trabajo,
» una pequeña imprenta ha tenido que enfrentarse a acciones legales por negarse a imprimir material sexualmente explícito encargado por una revista gay; en Francia, de acuerdo con la legislación vigente, es prácticamente imposible para los cristianos manifestar públicamente que las relaciones sexuales entre personas del mismo sexo constituye un pecado según su religión”.
Y así sucesivamente en una avalancha de casos impresionantes que se pueden consultar en el sitio web
Galli della Loggia es leído siempre con atención en El Vaticano, dicen. Su esposa es Lucetta Scaraffia, historiadora, y escribe a menudo en L´Osservatore Romano. Mantiene una estrecha amistad con su director, Giovanni Maria Vian.
Precisamente de este periódico, entre otros, ha extraído los numerosos ejemplos
de discriminación comentados anteriormente. “Es más que suficiente para
despertar el interés de cualquier conciencia liberal”, afirma Galli della Loggia.
“En este caso no se trata tanto de la Cristiandad, la Iglesia o la religión, sino de algo mucho más importante: se trata de la libertad.
Y de la historia. De la conciencia de que libertad religiosa en Europa
ha representado históricamente el origen (y condición) de todas las
libertades civiles y políticas”, advierte el historiador.
“Ser absolutamente libre de adorar al propio Dios, de propagar la fe, de
guardar los mandamientos, de adherirse a la visión del mundo y al
sentido de la existencia que estos definen, de practicar públicamente el
culto; pero también, por supuesto, de tener la libertad de no tener
Dios ni religión: así se ha comenzado el camino de la libertad Europa.
¿Hay que recordar que ha sido el Dios cristiano?”.
Por último, el periodista e historiador concluye: “La libertad religiosa por un lado y la libertad de opinión y de expresión por otro –que son los dos pilares de la libertad política- van al unísono. Desde este punto de vista, es aún más preocupante el hecho de que hoy en día, en Europa, en muchos lugares y de muchas maneras, la libertad de los cristianos parezca objetivamente en peligro de extinción”.
Puede consultar el artículo completo en Il Corriere della Sera aquí.
quarta-feira, 3 de julho de 2013
L' Europa diventa meno religiosa, meno cristiana e meno cattolica - di Massimo Introvigne
Il 28 giugno 2013 il più autorevole centro di statistica religiosa
del mondo, il Center for the Study of Global Christianity di South
Hamilton (Massachusetts), diretto da Todd M. Johnson, ha pubblicato il
suo atteso rapporto «Christianity in its Global Context, 1970-2020» (Il
cristianesimo nel suo contesto globale, 1970-2020), che offre tutta una
serie di statistiche aggiornate al 2013 e una proiezione fino al 2020.
Il risultato essenziale di questa vasta inchiesta può essere riassunto in una frase: il mondo sta diventando non meno, ma più religioso, e in particolare il numero dei cristiani e dei cattolici sta aumentando, ma questo aumento dipende dall'Africa e dall'Asia, mentre le Americhe rimangono stabili e l'Europa diventa meno religiosa, meno cristiana e meno cattolica. Il rapporto osserva giustamente che l'elezione di un Papa argentino è un simbolo eloquente di questo spostamento epocale del centro della vita religiosa e cristiana lontano dall'Europa.
Le persone che si dichiarano religiose nel mondo
sono aumentate dall'82% nel 1970 all'88% del 2013 e sfioreranno il 90%
nel 2020. Questo aumento è dovuto alla caduta dell'impero sovietico,
alla perdita di credibilità del comunismo e all'avanzata della religione
in Cina, che il regime non riesce a fermare. Ma - com'è stato rilevato
al congresso annuale del CESNUR (Centrp Studi sulle Nuove Religioni) che
si è tenuto dal 21 al 24 giugno 2013 a Falun, in Svezia - dipende anche
da un fattore demografico. Le persone religiose fanno più figli, sia
nel Sud del mondo sia in Europa e nel Nord America, il che a gioco lungo
conterrà le perdite anche in queste regioni. Questo spiega anche perché
le forme più «liberal» o progressiste di religione siano destinate a
pesare di meno in futuro: possono anche vincere la guerra dei media, ma
perdono ogni giorno la guerra più importante, quella del numero dei
figli e delle culle.
Il mondo diventa anche più cristiano, e nello stesso
tempo più musulmano. Nel 1970 cristiani e musulmani insieme
rappresentavano il 48% della popolazione mondiale, nel 2020 saranno il
57,2%. I cristiani saliranno nel 2020 al 33,3% e i musulmani al 23,9%.
Un abitante del pianeta su tre sarà cristiano e quasi uno su quattro
musulmano. Ma nel 1970 solo il 41,3% dei cristiani vivevano nel Sud del
mondo - Asia, Africa e America Latina - mentre nel 2020 saranno il
64,7%. In Africa, dove già da qualche anno sono maggioranza relativa
superando i musulmani, i cristiani nel 2020 sfioreranno il 50% e la
maggioranza assoluta. In Asia e in Africa il cristianesimo cresce a un
ritmo doppio rispetto alla crescita della popolazione in generale, e
questo vale anche per la Chiesa Cattolica, che in America Latina -
contrariamente a un mito diffuso - è invece in lieve declino, a causa
della crescita non solo del protestantesimo ma anche del numero di
persone che non frequentano alcuna chiesa.
Queste ultime sono già maggioranza in Europa
Occidentale e nel 2020 saranno i due terzi della popolazione, anche se
l'Italia rimane e verosimilmente rimarrà fra i grandi Paesi europei
quello dove la più alta percentuale di persone si dice cristiana nelle
indagini demoscopiche - l'ottanta per cento -, per quanto queste
affermazioni non si traducano poi in un contatto regolare, e spesso
neppure irregolare, con le istituzioni religiose. Gli Stati Uniti
rimangono il primo Paese del mondo per numero di persone che si
dichiarano cristiane, anche se questo è sceso dal 90,9% del 1970
all'80,1% attuale e si prevede che scenda al 78,1% nel 2020. Gli USA
saranno nel 2020 il solo Paese «occidentale» fra i primi dieci per
numero di cristiani, una lista che nel 1970 comprendeva Italia e Spagna e
che ora invece, dopo gli Stati Uniti, elenca Brasile, Cina, Messico,
Russia, Filippine, Nigeria, Congo, India ed Etiopia.
Nel 2020 su due miliardi e mezzo di cristiani oltre
settecento milioni, cioè più di un quarto, saranno pentecostali e
carismatici - compresi i carismatici cattolici - e curiosamente il Paese
con la più alta percentuale di pentecostali e carismatici sul totale
della popolazione (23%) sarà il Congo. Per ragioni di zelo missionario,
ma anche come si è accennato di demografia, il segmento «evangelical»,
cioè conservatore, del protestantesimo cresce a un ritmo doppio rispetto
al totale della popolazione mondiale, mentre il protestantesimo storico
«progressista» continua a perdere membri con in declino che appare
ormai irreversibile e mondiale.
Questi dati offrono un quadro contro-intuitivo
rispetto al martellamento mediatico sulla secolarizzazione e il declino
della religione, che scambia l'Europa Occidentale per il mondo. Ci
dicono anche che la religione, come molte altre realtà sociali, è
strettamente correlata alla demografia. Le religioni avanzano, e le
forme più conservatrici di religione sopravanzano quelle progressiste,
per una serie complessa di motivi tra cui non si può però trascurare il
dato secondo cui più una coppia è religiosa e conservatrice, più tende a
fare figli. Le grandi agenzie e i poteri forti che promuovono
l'irreligiosità e il secolarismo conoscono perfettamente queste
statistiche. È per questo che - facendo battere la grancassa anche dalla
cultura popolare con romanzi come «Inferno» di Dan Brown - insistono
tanto sulle politiche antinataliste. Perché sanno che - nonostante tutte
le loro considerazioni trionfalistiche sulla secolarizzazione
obbligatoriamente vincente - c'è per loro una bomba a orologeria che ha
già cominciato a ticchettare. Su dieci bambini che nascono nel mondo,
nove nascono in famiglie che si dichiarano religiose, e sei nascono in
un contesto che o è cristiano conservatore o è musulmano. Mentre i
«progressisti» e i fan del secolarismo fanno sempre meno figli.
Massimo Introvigne,
terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2013
The Supreme Court’s Misuse of Children to Justify Same-Sex Marriage - by Robert R. Reilly
In Crisis
Of all the misconceived nonsense in the recent Windsor v. United States ruling, perhaps the most egregious was Justice Anthony Kennedy’s insinuation that “the children made me do it.” Windsor declared the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional because it defined marriage as being between one man and one woman. Why was DOMA a problem for children? Justice Kennedy said that by denying same-sex couples legitimacy, DOMA “humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples.” The Act
“makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the
integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other
families in their community and in their daily lives.” Thus Justice
Kennedy portrays himself as riding to the children’s rescue.
This strategy is reminiscent of President Barack Obama’s misuse of
the military to justify same-sex “marriage.” First, he forced the repeal
of “don’t ask don’t tell” on the reluctant military, and then used that
very same military as the excuse for endorsing homosexual “marriage,”
as if it were the military asking for it. Those poor Marines in the
foxholes of Afghanistan were just aching to marry each other, and Obama
comes to their rescue. He shamelessly proclaimed: “When I think about
those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there
fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that “don’t ask
don’t tell” is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a
marriage, at a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally
it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex
couples should be able to get married.”
This was completely risible, but one has to admire the audacity of
his sophistical argument, as we do Justice Kennedy’s similar one. His
goes like this: First, allow same-sex couples to adopt children, but
then do not blame the humiliation of the children on the situation into
which they have been placed, through no fault of their own, but upon the
people who objected to it in the first place. Do not fault those who
created the problem through the fabrication of faux “marriage”; fault those who warned that the fabrication of faux
“marriage,” along with attendant adoptions, would create this problem.
First, exploit children by placing them in this situation, and then
exploit them again in order to justify it. Voilà! A fully formed faux family.
If children had their rights, there would be no such “families” in
which to place them. The magnitude of the injustice involved in the
redefinition of marriage comes most clearly into view in regard to
children, to whom justice is also owed. As Professor Seana Sugrue
writes, “the ability of same-sex couples to be parents depends crucially
upon the state declaring that they possess such rights, and by
extinguishing or redefining the rights of biological parents. With the
rise of same-sex marriage, the obligations parents owed to their
biological children are reduced to mere convention. This is true for
everyone. Parents come to owe obligations to their children not because
they are parents, but because they choose to be parents.” What is owed
to children by right becomes optional by convention. This is a
staggering loss for them.
The adoption of children by same-sex couples is, of course, an
extension of the rationalization of their sexual misbehavior, no matter
how motivated it may be by accompanying eleemosynary motives. Children
are the fruit of a mother and a father, ideally in matrimony as husband
and wife. If same-sex couples, too, can have children, this must mean
that they, also, have “real” marriages. The possession of the child by
the same-sex couple completes the rationalization for them. Just as most
active homosexuals practice faux intercourse, they can have faux
progeny from it. They can pretend that this is so, and they can insist
that society pretend along with them. In fact, Justice Kennedy just
issued the order that we all must share in the rationalization. What is
worse, same-sex couples will make the children pretend, too. They will
be indoctrinated to participate in the lie, now reinforced by the
Supreme Court. And therein lays a good deal of the harm that same-sex
couples will bring to them, despite the love and affection they may
provide. As one mother explained to me, “Most kids understand
intuitively the idea that everything has a purpose. How does one explain
to them that the purpose is ignored by adults? The children are caught
in that web of deceit.”
This makes complete nonsense of Justice Kennedy’s bizarre remark
about how “difficult [it is] for the children to understand the
integrity and closeness of their own family” if the same-sex “family” is
not accorded full legitimacy. It is difficult for the children to
understand, not because of any animus or lack of respect from others,
but because that “integrity and closeness” is compromised by the very
nature of same-sex relationships. Same-sex “families” with children are
broken by definition because in no instance will both parents be
present. Therefore, they naturally do not possess the integrity of which
Justice Kennedy spoke. Such “families” are made to be broken, or rather
broken to be made, by design. This is especially so in the cases
in which a child is bred—with the outside assistance of a person of the
other gender—to be placed with the same-sex couple, only one of whom
is, or could be, the parent of the child. This is a grotesque act of
injustice to the children who are misused in this way and for this
purpose. They are deliberately denied the possibility of being with both
parents. They are made rootless, or rather made to be rootless in the
essential aspect of the missing parent—an intentionally truncated
genealogy. Indeed, they are willfully wrenched out of the chain of
They can feel this acutely. Robert Oscar Lopez, a bisexual man raised
by a lesbian couple, stated that, “children deeply feel the loss of a
father or mother, no matter how much we love our gay parents or how much
they love us. Children feel the loss keenly because they are powerless
to stop the decision to deprive them of a father or mother, and the
absence of a male or female parent will likely be irreversible for
them.” Elsewhere, Lopez added that, “Conferring marriage on same-sex
couples means some children will never be able to invoke the words
‘father’ and ‘mother’ in order to describe the household that their
parents are now allowed to describe as a ‘marriage.’ In order to grant
validation and prestige to mom and mom or dad and dad, the kids lose
access to the value of celebrating a maternal and paternal line of
ancestry. Come Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, they will not be equal to
their peers, due directly to the fact that their same-sex guardians
fought so hard to be equal to their peers’ parents.” In light of this,
who is really responsible for any lack of “concord with other families
in their community” that same sex families may experience?
For all of Justice Kennedy’s fulminations about the absolute
equivalency of heterosexual and homosexual parenting, the children
raised by two males or two females could never have that instinctive
sense about the beginnings of their existence in the love of their
parents—for the obvious reason that they could not originate in the
relationship between two males or two females. If you are supposed to be
the incarnation of the love between two people, but at least one of
those people is missing, of what then are you the product? Can that
incarnational love be replaced, or are your origins compromised? When my
children were younger, they used to think that, if my wife and I
removed our wedding rings, they would disappear. We never told them
that. Yet they instinctively understood that their very existence
depended upon the love between my wife and me. They sensed that they
were incarnations of this love, and they therefore concluded that if it
were broken they would disappear.
Do the children of same-sex couples feel the loss of this
incarnational love, or the tenuousness that its absence imparts to their
own existence? Here is Lopez’s bitter reflection: “It’s disturbingly
classist and elitist for gay men to think they can love their children
unreservedly after treating their surrogate mother like an incubator, or
for lesbians to think they can love their children unconditionally
after treating their sperm-donor father like a tube of toothpaste.”
Unconditional love, morally at least, was supposed to be there between
the spouses as a condition for the creation of a new person. If it was
not there (and it cannot be if one spouse is deliberately missing), how
can the child be its incarnation? Is the child the result of one person
and a petri dish? This terrible dilemma will leave these children with
the lifelong quest for their real origins, or suffering from their being
unable to discover them and wondering why at least one of their real
parents did not want them. Even the laudable love of adoptive parents
cannot overcome this profound instinctual problem.
There is also ample human testimony from others who have endured
same-sex upbringing concerning its dysfunctional character and the price
they have paid for it. Here is a cri de coeur from
Jean-Dominique Bunel, a 67-year-old French man, who was raised by two
women. He lamented that, “I also suffered from the lack of a father, a
daily presence, a character and properly masculine behavior, and an
otherness in relation to my mother and her partner. I realized this very
early. I experienced this lack of a father as an amputation.” As a
result, he advises, regarding homosexuals, “… give them as much as
possible the same rights as heterosexuals but this equality obviously
cannot apply to a ‘right to the child,’ which exists nowhere and is not
found in any text.” Referring to the same sex marriage bill in France
[which has since passed], Bunel said, “… this measure necessarily opens
adoption, thus institutionalizing a state that had so disturbed me.
There is an injustice that I cannot stand.” He concluded, “If the two
women who raised me were married after the adoption of such a bill, I’d
continue in this fight that I have filed a complaint against the French
government to the European Court of Human Rights for violating my right
to have a father and a mother.”
Fortunately for Monsieur Brunel, his case would not appear before
Justice Kennedy, who would inform him that the humiliation and injustice
he suffered was not inherent to the situation in which he was unfairly
placed, but was the result of France’s tardy recognition of same-sex
“marriage.” There is a French phrase for Justice Kennedy’s behavior—trahison des clercs. He has earned it, especially in respect to his misuse of children to justify injustice.
Ideologia do Género,
ideologia gay,
Robert R. Reilly,
Loi de refondation de l’école : comment le "gender" sera introduit dans les programmes - par Elizabeth Montfort
In Libertépolitique
L’objectif est d’atteindre l’égalité par l’indifférenciation des fonctions et l’indifférenciation des sexes. C’est bien le cœur de l’idéologie du genre.
Le projet de loi d'orientation et de programmation pour la
refondation de l'école de la République a été adopté mardi 25 juin en
deuxième lecture au Sénat. Discrètement, puisque c’est le texte même de
l’Assemblée nationale qui a été repris sans modification.
Les Français retiendront la création de 60 000
postes supplémentaires d’enseignants. Mais l’essentiel n’est pas là.
Pour mieux saisir l’esprit de la loi, il faut se souvenir des
déclarations du ministre de l’Éducation nationale, car pour lui, l’école
est bien le lieu de son action politique :
« C’est au socialisme qu’il va revenir d’incarner la révolution religieuse dont l’humanité a besoin (La Révolution française n’est pas terminée, Seuil, 2008, p. 195.)
« C’est bien une nouvelle naissance, une transusbtantiation qui opère dans l’école et par l’école, cette nouvelle Église, avec son nouveau clergé, sa nouvelle liturgie, ses nouvelles tables de la Loi (op.cit. p. 18).
Et Présentant son projet de morale laïque :
« Il faut être capable d’arracher l’élève à tous les déterminismes, familial, ethnique, social, intellectuel… » (Journal du Dimanche, 2 septembre 2012).
Au nom de la lutte contre l’homophobie
Enfin, la lettre du ministre adressée aux recteurs d’Académie, le 4 janvier 2013, est particulièrement explicite :
« Le gouvernement s'est engagé à s'appuyer sur la jeunesse pour changer les mentalités, notamment par le biais d'une éducation au respect de la diversité des orientations sexuelles. L'engagement de notre ministère dans l'éducation à l'égalité et au respect de la personne est essentiel et prend aujourd'hui un relief particulier. Il vous appartient en effet de veiller à ce que les débats qui traversent la société française ne se traduisent pas, dans les écoles et les établissements, par des phénomènes de rejet et de stigmatisation homophobes.
J'attire à ce titre votre attention sur la mise en œuvre du Programme d'actions gouvernemental contre les violences et les discriminations commises à raison de l'orientation sexuelle ou de l'identité de genre. »
La référence LGBT
Ce programme rédigé avec des
associations militantes comme l’Inter-LGBT et présenté le 31 octobre
2012 servira de référence à tous les autres programmes du ministère :
éducation à l’égalité fille/garçon, lutte contre les stéréotypes et
contre l’homophobie.
Ainsi, « l'apprentissage de l'égalité entre
les garçons et les filles est une condition nécessaire pour que,
progressivement, les stéréotypes s'estompent et d'autres modèles de
comportement se construisent ».
Dans ce but, l’ABCD-Égalité sera expérimenté dans dix académies en
septembre prochain, avant de s’étendre à toute la France en septembre
2014. Ce programme s’adresse à l’ensemble des élèves de la grande
section de maternelle au CM2 et à leurs enseignants et vise à
déconstruire des stéréotypes de genre.
Alors que l’amendement sur l’égalité de genre (« L’école crée les conditions d’éducation à l’égalité de genre ») a été retiré à la demande du ministre, la diffusion du gender se fera par ces trois leviers : égalité, stéréotypes et homophobie.
Alors que l’amendement sur l’égalité de genre (« L’école crée les conditions d’éducation à l’égalité de genre ») a été retiré à la demande du ministre, la diffusion du gender se fera par ces trois leviers : égalité, stéréotypes et homophobie.
L’objectif est d’atteindre l’égalité par l’indifférenciation des fonctions et l’indifférenciation des sexes. C’est bien le cœur de l’idéologie du genre.
Éducation ou propagande ?
À ces programmes,
s’ajoute l'éducation à la sexualité : « Les trois séances d’éducation à
la sexualité prévues par les textes auront lieu dans toutes les écoles
et tous les établissements. Elles traiteront tant des questions d’ordre
biologique que des dimensions psychologiques, sociales, éthiques et
culturelles de la sexualité », en lien avec les associations LGBT ou
Enfin, le ministre conseille le recours à la Ligne Azur,
« ligne d’écoute pour les jeunes en questionnement à l’égard de leur
orientation sexuelle ». Cette même ligne Azur qui a laissé sur son site
quelques semaines la brochure Tomber la culotte, véritable outil de propagande du lesbianisme et du sadomasochisme.
n’est dit sur la place des parents, premiers éducateurs de leurs
enfants. Rien n’est dit sur la perspective du don dans la sexualité. Si
bien qu’on est en droit de se demander s’il s’agit bien d’une «
éducation » ou d’une « propagande ».
Voilà ce qui nous attend pour la rentrée prochaine.
Elizabeth Montfort est ancien député au Parlement européen, président du Nouveau Féminisme européen
avec Nicole Thomas-Mauro, ancien député européen
avec Nicole Thomas-Mauro, ancien député européen
Pour en savoir plus :
Ideologia do Género,
ideologia gay,
Ignoring human nature harms marriage, says cardinal
Rome, Italy, Jul 1, 2013 / 03:42 pm (CNA).-
the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act,
an Italian cardinal said that recognizing gay unions as “marriages”
ignores nature and may yield effects that cannot be entirely
“The fundamental structures of our existence would be overturned, with
the destructive effects that we can imagine, but not entirely foresee,”
Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general emeritus of the Diocese of Rome,
said in a June 28 interview with Italian daily Il Foglio.
“We think, in concrete terms, of what can be a family in which there is
no longer a father, a mother, and children who have a father and a
mother,” he added in the interview, which was noted by Vatican analyst
Sandro Magister of L'Espresso July 1.
Two days before the interview, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the
Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional, and that the federal
government must recognize same-sex “marriages” if they are accepted by
individual states. This means that “married” gay couples are entitled to
the same federal benefits as married straight couples.
Cardinal Ruini said that same-sex “marriage” is an effect of a misunderstanding – even a rejection – of human nature.
In fact, reality is a given, which cannot be changed and is not a construction of society, he explained.
“One very important aspect of our being is that we are structured
according to the sexual difference, of man and woman…it is a primordial
and evident difference, which precedes our personal decisions, our
culture and the education we have received.”
This reality has led humanity “since its origin,” to understand marriage
“as a bond possible only between a man and a woman,” he said.
The basis for “gay marriage,” the cardinal explained, is the view that
sex is a choice of the individual, and not a given characteristic that
is received at conception.
“But,” he said, “this is an illusion, even if it is shared by many.”
“Our freedom, in fact, is rooted in the reality of our being, and when
it is violated it becomes destructive, of ourselves first of all.”
Cardinal Ruini emphasized that equality is a good which is to be valued, “understood as equal dignity among all human beings.”
However, when it is understood “as the negation of every difference and
therefore as the presumption to treat different situations in the same
way, equality is simply something that goes against reality,” he said.
While acknowledging that Western nations are rushing to accept and
promote “gay marriage,” he said that ultimately “the future belongs to
those who are able to recognize and accept the human being in his
authentic reality.”
“The illusions, instead, sooner or later collapse, often after having done great damage.”
Recognizing that governments cannot command or prohibit whom one loves,
the cardinal also said that governments “can and must…seek to regulate
in the way most useful and most in keeping with reality the behaviors
that are born from love but have a public significance.”
He rejected the idea of civil unions as a compromise between supporters
and opponents of same-sex “marriage,” saying society can in no way
healthfully “banish nature with a personal or collective decision of our
Civil unions would not “satisfy the demand for absolute freedom and
equality that is at the basis of the claim of homosexual marriage,” he
Furthermore, Cardinal Ruini suggested, civil unions are harmful to
societies because they would further dissolve the already damaged
institution of marriage, as well as useless because all of the rights
they would afford “can very well be protected…by recognizing them as
rights of persons, and not of couples.”
In light of the rush to accept gay marriage in the U.S. and Europe, the
Italian cardinal said the Church “cannot help” but uphold reality and
the nature of man.
On that basis, Catholics are called to witness to truth and live their faith in the public square.
He urged that Catholics “must become more aware of the cultural and social significance of their faith.”
“When this awareness becomes weak, the faith becomes insipid and has
little impact not only in the public sphere, but also in the capacity to
draw persons and lead them to Christ,” he reflected.
Ideologia do Género
Alcalde prefiere cárcel antes que celebrar la “farsa” del matrimonio gay
PARÍS, 02 Jul. 13 / 01:17 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).-
Jean-Michel Colo, alcalde del pequeño municipio francés de Arcangues, expresó su decisión de no casar a una pareja de homosexuales
de acuerdo a la ley aprobada por el Gobierno de Francois Hollande, y
señaló estar dispuesto a ir a la cárcel antes que celebrar una “farsa”.
“No doy lecciones, no estoy incitando a otros alcaldes que sigan mi ejemplo, pero no voy a ejecutar una ley ilegítima”, declaró Colo. “Mis siete concejales y yo estamos completamente de acuerdo en decir que no participaremos en esta farsa”, añadió la autoridad municipal, que agradeció los miles de mensajes de apoyo ciudadano que ha recibido hasta la fecha.
Según se informó, la decisión de no casar a una pareja gay que lo ha solicitado en su jurisdicción le puede acarrear hasta cinco años de prisión y una multa de 75 mil euros (100 mil dólares), además de la suspensión de su cargo.
Como se recuerda, en abril pasado, el portavoz de la plataforma Alcaldes por la Infancia (“Maires pour l’Enfance”), Franck Meyer, aseguró que cerca de 15.000 alcaldes franceses se negarán a “celebrar matrimonios entre dos personas del mismo sexo”.
Ante esto, el gobierno socialista de Hollande ha declarado que no concederá exenciones de consciencia a los funcionarios públicos que se nieguen a casar homosexuales. “Las leyes son aplicables en todas partes y no puede haber la menor violación de igualdad”, advirtió el ministro del interior Manuel Valls en respuesta a la resistencia de Colo.
Los homosexuales Jean-Michel Martin y Guy Martineau-Espel, a los que Colo se negó casar, presentaron el 26 de junio una denuncia contra el alcalde ante el procurador de la República de la localidad de Bayona.
“No doy lecciones, no estoy incitando a otros alcaldes que sigan mi ejemplo, pero no voy a ejecutar una ley ilegítima”, declaró Colo. “Mis siete concejales y yo estamos completamente de acuerdo en decir que no participaremos en esta farsa”, añadió la autoridad municipal, que agradeció los miles de mensajes de apoyo ciudadano que ha recibido hasta la fecha.
Según se informó, la decisión de no casar a una pareja gay que lo ha solicitado en su jurisdicción le puede acarrear hasta cinco años de prisión y una multa de 75 mil euros (100 mil dólares), además de la suspensión de su cargo.
Como se recuerda, en abril pasado, el portavoz de la plataforma Alcaldes por la Infancia (“Maires pour l’Enfance”), Franck Meyer, aseguró que cerca de 15.000 alcaldes franceses se negarán a “celebrar matrimonios entre dos personas del mismo sexo”.
Ante esto, el gobierno socialista de Hollande ha declarado que no concederá exenciones de consciencia a los funcionarios públicos que se nieguen a casar homosexuales. “Las leyes son aplicables en todas partes y no puede haber la menor violación de igualdad”, advirtió el ministro del interior Manuel Valls en respuesta a la resistencia de Colo.
Los homosexuales Jean-Michel Martin y Guy Martineau-Espel, a los que Colo se negó casar, presentaron el 26 de junio una denuncia contra el alcalde ante el procurador de la República de la localidad de Bayona.
segunda-feira, 1 de julho de 2013
Ilusão voluntária - por João César das Neves
O povo gosta que lhe mintam. Agora tem um Governo que diz a verdade e considera-o o pior de sempre, muito inferior aos anteriores, que nos convenceram de todas aquelas aldrabices que geraram a crise. Uma conclusão plausível do paradoxo é que o povo quer que o enganem.
Se este Governo diz a verdade não é por ser melhor. A situação é que é pior. Portugal bateu na parede e chegou a um estado em que as alternativas boas não existem e a conjuntura impede ilusões. Por isso, relutantemente, os ministros estão a dar más notícias, revelar o desastre, impor sacrifícios inevitáveis. Agora já não é possível aos responsáveis ocultar a realidade e vender fantasias. Mas o povo não quer isso.
Houve tempos em que o povo gostava de saber a verdade. Em 1974 e 1986 os portugueses estavam assustados. Nessa altura quem lhes descrevesse as dificuldades era eleito e conseguia fazer as reformas necessárias. Depois de 1992 vieram os anos da euforia a crédito. Hoje o povo está, não assustado, mas indignado. E quem sente revolta não quer que lhe digam a verdade, mas que o ajudem a descarregar os nervos. Por isso a mentira anda a prémio. Quem tiver a retórica mais bombástica e incendiária recebe aplausos, mesmo que diga rematada tolice; mesmo que agrave a situação já tão difícil.
António José Seguro sabe perfeitamente que a sua ideia de renegociar o programa de ajustamento é um mito impossível. Quando o PS for Governo ninguém, nem ele próprio, gastará um minuto a pensar nisso. Só o diz porque não pode assumir publicamente que não tem alternativa credível ao caminho que o País segue. De certa forma, o que afirma até é lisonjeiro para o Governo, admitindo implicitamente que nestas condições não se pode fazer melhor. Por isso invoca uma inverosímil mudança de circunstâncias.
Jerónimo de Sousa tem consciência plena de que a sua proposta de expulsar a troika e recusar a austeridade significaria uma desgraça nacional muito pior que a actual. Fazer o que o PCP e BE propõem seria balbúrdia e miséria. Portugal hoje só consegue financiar-se através dos fundos de emergência do FMI e UE, que vêm com as difíceis condições de ajustamento. Mas segui-las é a única forma de algum dia o País recuperar a credibilidade externa e regressar à normalidade. A razão por que esses partidos dizem essas coisas com tanta convicção e vigor, é porque sabem perfeitamente que elas nunca se verificarão, porque no fundo ninguém lhes liga. Sem quaisquer responsabilidades, podem esbracejar à vontade, servindo entretanto alguns interes-ses ameaçados pelos cortes.
Carlos Silva e Arménio Carlos percebem sem dificuldade que as greves são uma perda de tempo, nada alterando numa situação em que não há escolhas. Mas têm de apresentar serviço e fingir que existe outra política que evitaria os sacrifícios. Sempre com o cuidado de deixar omissos os contornos dessa solução milagrosa. Tal como os partidos da oposição, fazem dos protestos uma cortina fumo para esconder o facto de nunca terem dito, afinal, o que é que queriam que se fizesse, e como se pagava.
Mário Nogueira não tem ilusões que sem reformas e, em particular, sem cortar a sério no número e condição dos professores, o sistema de educação português fica arruinado. Mas o sistema de educação é a última das suas preocuações. O que ele quer é fazer mais barulho do que os outros sectores, de forma a que o Governo, para o calar, tire deles para minorar, ao menos em parte, os sacrifícios da sua classe. E já conseguiu.
A situação portuguesa é dura mas evidente. Temos uma das maiores dívidas externas do mundo. É claro que nunca a poderemos pagar, nem ninguém quer que o façamos. O que é preciso é estancar a sangria e pôr a casa em ordem, de forma a colocar a dívida em trajectória descendente, honrando os juros. Para isso surge a austeridade a que temos assistido. Senão é falência, descrédito, isolamento. A única alternativa é o caos, que vemos noutras longitudes. Esta é a verdade, nua e crua. E é bem dura. Assim, até nem admira que o povo goste que lhe mintam.
O povo gosta que lhe mintam. Agora tem um Governo que diz a verdade e considera-o o pior de sempre, muito inferior aos anteriores, que nos convenceram de todas aquelas aldrabices que geraram a crise. Uma conclusão plausível do paradoxo é que o povo quer que o enganem.
Se este Governo diz a verdade não é por ser melhor. A situação é que é pior. Portugal bateu na parede e chegou a um estado em que as alternativas boas não existem e a conjuntura impede ilusões. Por isso, relutantemente, os ministros estão a dar más notícias, revelar o desastre, impor sacrifícios inevitáveis. Agora já não é possível aos responsáveis ocultar a realidade e vender fantasias. Mas o povo não quer isso.
Houve tempos em que o povo gostava de saber a verdade. Em 1974 e 1986 os portugueses estavam assustados. Nessa altura quem lhes descrevesse as dificuldades era eleito e conseguia fazer as reformas necessárias. Depois de 1992 vieram os anos da euforia a crédito. Hoje o povo está, não assustado, mas indignado. E quem sente revolta não quer que lhe digam a verdade, mas que o ajudem a descarregar os nervos. Por isso a mentira anda a prémio. Quem tiver a retórica mais bombástica e incendiária recebe aplausos, mesmo que diga rematada tolice; mesmo que agrave a situação já tão difícil.
António José Seguro sabe perfeitamente que a sua ideia de renegociar o programa de ajustamento é um mito impossível. Quando o PS for Governo ninguém, nem ele próprio, gastará um minuto a pensar nisso. Só o diz porque não pode assumir publicamente que não tem alternativa credível ao caminho que o País segue. De certa forma, o que afirma até é lisonjeiro para o Governo, admitindo implicitamente que nestas condições não se pode fazer melhor. Por isso invoca uma inverosímil mudança de circunstâncias.
Jerónimo de Sousa tem consciência plena de que a sua proposta de expulsar a troika e recusar a austeridade significaria uma desgraça nacional muito pior que a actual. Fazer o que o PCP e BE propõem seria balbúrdia e miséria. Portugal hoje só consegue financiar-se através dos fundos de emergência do FMI e UE, que vêm com as difíceis condições de ajustamento. Mas segui-las é a única forma de algum dia o País recuperar a credibilidade externa e regressar à normalidade. A razão por que esses partidos dizem essas coisas com tanta convicção e vigor, é porque sabem perfeitamente que elas nunca se verificarão, porque no fundo ninguém lhes liga. Sem quaisquer responsabilidades, podem esbracejar à vontade, servindo entretanto alguns interes-ses ameaçados pelos cortes.
Carlos Silva e Arménio Carlos percebem sem dificuldade que as greves são uma perda de tempo, nada alterando numa situação em que não há escolhas. Mas têm de apresentar serviço e fingir que existe outra política que evitaria os sacrifícios. Sempre com o cuidado de deixar omissos os contornos dessa solução milagrosa. Tal como os partidos da oposição, fazem dos protestos uma cortina fumo para esconder o facto de nunca terem dito, afinal, o que é que queriam que se fizesse, e como se pagava.
Mário Nogueira não tem ilusões que sem reformas e, em particular, sem cortar a sério no número e condição dos professores, o sistema de educação português fica arruinado. Mas o sistema de educação é a última das suas preocuações. O que ele quer é fazer mais barulho do que os outros sectores, de forma a que o Governo, para o calar, tire deles para minorar, ao menos em parte, os sacrifícios da sua classe. E já conseguiu.
A situação portuguesa é dura mas evidente. Temos uma das maiores dívidas externas do mundo. É claro que nunca a poderemos pagar, nem ninguém quer que o façamos. O que é preciso é estancar a sangria e pôr a casa em ordem, de forma a colocar a dívida em trajectória descendente, honrando os juros. Para isso surge a austeridade a que temos assistido. Senão é falência, descrédito, isolamento. A única alternativa é o caos, que vemos noutras longitudes. Esta é a verdade, nua e crua. E é bem dura. Assim, até nem admira que o povo goste que lhe mintam.
Economia e Finanças,
João César das Neves,
A Beatiful and profound meditation by Msgr. Charles Pope: A Prophetic Interpretation of Reality for Our Times
Scripture is a prophetic interpretation of reality. That is, it tells us what is really going on from the perspective of the Lord of History. As an inspired text it traces out not only the current of the times, but also the trajectory, the end to which things tend. It is of course important for us to read Scripture with the Church and exercise the care the Church would have us show and, at the end of the day, to submit our understanding to the rule of faith and the context of Sacred Tradition.
Scripture is a prophetic interpretation of reality. That is, it tells us what is really going on from the perspective of the Lord of History. As an inspired text it traces out not only the current of the times, but also the trajectory, the end to which things tend. It is of course important for us to read Scripture with the Church and exercise the care the Church would have us show and, at the end of the day, to submit our understanding to the rule of faith and the context of Sacred Tradition.
With those parameters in mind, I would like to consider Romans 1,
wherein St. Paul describes the grave condition of the Greco-Roman
culture of his day. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he
prophetically interpreted those times of the First Century AD. And,
though the text speaks specifically to those times, it is easily evident
that our current times are becoming almost identical to what St. Paul
and the Holy Spirit described.
St. Paul saw a once noble culture that was in grave crisis and was in the process of being plowed under by God for its willful suppression of the truth.
Let’s take a look at the details of this prophetic interpretation of those days and apply it to our own. The text opens without any niceties, and words reach us almost like lead pellets.
I. The Root of the Ruin - The text says, The
wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness
and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
As the curtain draws back, we not eased into the scene at all. We are confronted at once with the glaring lights of judgment and the woeful word: “wrath.”
And note that the wrath of God is called here a revelation. That is to
say it is a word of truth that revels, and prophetically interprets
reality for us. The wrath is the revelation!
Quite astonishing really
and directly contrary to our modern tendency to see God only as the
“affirmer in chief;” whose love for us in understood only in sentimental
terms, never in terms of a strong love that insists for us what is
right and true, and what is ultimately what we need, not just what we
And what is the “wrath of God?”
The wrath of God is our experience of the total incompatibility of
unrepented sin before the holiness of God. The unrepentant sinner cannot
endure the presence, and the holiness of God, There is for such a one
wailing and grinding of teeth, anger and even rage when confronted by
the existence of God and the demands of His justice and holiness. God’s
wrath does not mean in some simplistic sense that God is “mad” as if
being emotionally worked up to fury. God is not moody and unstable. God
is not subject to temper tantrums like we are. Rather this, God is holy,
and the unrepentant sinner cannot endure his holiness, but experiences
it as wrath.
To the degree that God’s wrath is in Him, it is his passion to set things right.
God is patient and will wait and work to draw us to repentance. But his
justice and truth cannot forever tarry, and when judgment sets in on a
person or culture, a civilization or epoch, his holiness and justice are
reveled as wrath to the unrepentant, be it an individual or a culture.
And what was the central sin of St. Paul’s day, and our own too? Simply stated in the verse, THE sin of Romans 1 is this, (and it is the sin that leads to every other problem): they suppress the truth by their wickedness.
Note this well,
those who seek to remain in their wickedness suppress the truth. It was
the problem in St. Paul’s day and also in ours. On account of
wickedness, and a desire to persist in sin, many suppress the truth. The
catechism of the Catholic Church warns,
the impact of the senses and the imagination, but also by disordered
appetites which are the consequences of original sin….it happens that
men in such matters easily persuade themselves that what they would not
like to be true is false or at least doubtful. (Catechism of the Catholic Church # 37)
Yes, and St Paul also told St. Timothy
the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great
number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (2 Tim 4:3)
And as Isaiah had described:
say to the seers, “See no more visions!” and to the prophets, “Give us
no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy
illusions! (Isaiah 30:10)
Yes, on
account of a desire to cling to their sin and to justify themselves,
people in Paul’s day and now as well suppress the truth. And
while this human tendency has always existed, it has taken on a
widespread and collective tendency in our own times, as it did in St.
Paul’s age. There is an increasing and widespread tendency for people
of our own time in the decadent West to go on calling good, or no big
deal what God calls sinful.
As such we suppress the truth and now, as then, the wrath of God is being revealed.
We shall see just how his wrath is revealed in a moment. But the text
makes it clear, on account of the sin of the repeated, collective and
obstinate suppression of the truth, God’s wrath is being revealed on the
culture of the decadent West.
II. Revelation that is Refused - The text goes on to say, and
since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has
made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s
invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been
clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people
are without excuse. – (Romans 1:19-20)
Note well that God the Holy Spirit and St. Paul attest that the suppression of the truth is willful.
We are not dealing with simple ignorance here. And while it is true
that the Pagan people of St. Paul’s day did not have the Scriptures,
nevertheless, they are “without excuse.” Why? Because they had the
revelation of creation. Creation reveals God, and speaks not only to His
existence, but also to his attributes, to his justice and to his his
power, his will and the good order He instills in what he has made and
thus expects of us.
All of this makes
even those raised outside the context of faith, whether in the First
Century or own day, to be “without excuse.”
Catechism also couches our responsibility to discover and live the truth
as rooted in the existence of something called the conscience:
Deep within his
conscience man discovers a law which he has not laid upon himself but
which he must obey. Its voice, ever calling him to love and to do what
is good and to avoid evil, sounds in his heart at the right moment.
. . . For man has in his heart a law inscribed by God. . . . His
conscience is man’s most secret core and his sanctuary. There he is
alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths….It bears witness to the
authority of truth in reference to the supreme Good to which the human
person is drawn, and it welcomes the commandments….[Conscience] is a
messenger of him, who, both in nature and in grace, speaks to us behind a
veil, and teaches and rules us by his representatives. Conscience is
the aboriginal Vicar of Christ. (Catechism of the Catholic Church #s 1776-1778).
Again, and therefore,
because of the witness and revelation of the Created order, and on
account of the conscience present and operative in all who have attained
the use of reason, those who suppress the truth are without excuse for
this suppression. They are suppressing what, deep down, they know.
It has been
my experience for 25 years as a pastor working with sinners (and not
being without sin myself) that those I must confront about their sin,
know, deep down, what they are doing. They may have suppressed
the still small voice of God, and they may have sought to keep His voice
at bay by layers of stinking thinking. They have also collect false
teachers to confirm them in their sin and permitted many deceivers to
tickle their ears. But, deep down they know what they do is wrong and,
at the end of the day, they are without excuse.
Some degree of the
lack of due discretion may ameliorate the severity of their culpability,
but ultimately they are without excuse for the suppressing of the
truth. There is a revelation of creation (and for many today, also the
Word of God which has been preached and heard by most).
But many today, as in Paul’s time refuse revelation, doing so willfully and to justify wickedness, they are without excuse.
III. The Result in the Ranks - The Text says, For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but became vain in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools
and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look
like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. (Romans 1:21-23)
This should seem very familiar.
As in St. Paul’s Day, but even more so in ours, a prideful culture has
set aside God, whether through explicit atheism and militant secularism,
or through neglect and willful tepidity. God has been escorted to the
margins of our proud anthropocentric culture. His wisdom has been
forcibly removed from our schools, and the public square. His image and
any reminders of him are increasing removed by force of law. And many
too mock His holy Name and mention His truth only to ridicule and scorn
it as a remnant from the “dark ages.”
Faith and the magnificent deposit of knowledge and culture that has come with it, has been scoffed at as a relic from times less enlightened and scientific than our our own “brilliant” and enlightened times.
Our disdainful culture has become a sort of iconoclastic anti-culture
which has systematically put into the shredder every vestige of Godly
wisdom it can. The traditional family, human sexuality, chastity, self
control, moderation and almost every other virtue have been scorned and
willfully smashed by the iconoclasts of this time. To them everything of
this sort must go.
And as a prophetic interpretation of reality, the Scripture from Romans describes the result of suppressing the truth and refusing to acknowledge and glorify God. The text says, they became vain in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.
Yes there is a powerful darkening effect that comes from suppressing the truth and refusing the wisdom and revelation of God.
While claiming to be so wise, so smart and advanced, we have instead
become foolish, and vain, as our intellects grow dimer and darker by the
day. Our concern for vain, foolish, passing and silly things knows
little bounds today. And yet the things that really do matter, death,
judgment, heaven and hell, are almost never attended to. We run after
foolish things but cannot even exercise moderate self control. Our debt
knows no bounds but we cannot stop spending. We cannot make or keep
commitments, addictions are off the hook, and all most basic indicators
indicate grave problems: graduation rates, SAT scores, teenage
pregnancy, STDs, abortion rates, AIDs, Divorces rates, cohabition
rates. All the numbers that should be up are down, and the number that
should be down are up.
Claiming to be so wise and smart, we have become collectively foolish and even our capacity to think clearly
of solutions and have intelligent and meaningful conversations becomes
increasingly impossible, since we cannot agree on even basic points. We
simply talk past each other and live in separate little stovepipes, in
smaller and increasingly self defined worlds.
And if your think the line about idolatry doesn’t apply today, don’t kid yourself.
People are into stones and rocks, and all sorts of strange syncretistic
combinations of religions, to include the occult. This is the age of
the “designer God” wherein people no longer tolerate the revealed God of
the Scriptures, but recast, reinvent, and remake a God of their own
understanding, who just so happens to agree with everything they think.
And if some troublesome and intolerant priest happens to quote Scripture, well,
there are any number of ways that darkened minds can suppress that
truth real fast. Yes, idolatry is alive and well in age of a designer
God, a personal sort of hand carved idol that can be invoked over an
against the true God of the Scriptures.
And for all this people today congratulate themselves
for being tolerant, open-minded, non-judgemental and so forth. Our
senseless minds have become very dark, our thoughts vain and our
behavior foolish.
Our culture is in the very grave condition that this Scripture, this prophetic interpretation of reality describes. There is much for which we are rightfully concerned.
But wait, the darkness, foolishness, idolatry and vanity get even worse. We must read on.
IV. The Revelation of the Wrath – The text says, Therefore
God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual
impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They
exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served
created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.Because
of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women
exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way
the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed
with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men,
and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Rom 1: 24-27)
And here the “wrath” is revealed.
The text simply says, “God gave them over to their sinful desires.”
This is the wrath, this is the revelation of the total incompatibility
of unrepented sin before the holiness of God and the holiness to which
we are summoned.
In effect, God says, “OK, if you want sin and rebellion, you can have it.
It is all yours. I will now allow you to experience the full
consequences of your sinful rebellion. You will now feel the full fury
of your own sinful choices.” Yes, God gave them over to their sinful
And as a prophetic interpretation of reality, it seems conclusive that God has also given us over in a similar way to our sinful desires.
And note the first and most prominent effect of this being given over to sinful desires: sexual confusion of a colossal degree.
The text describes sexual impurity, the degradation of their bodies,
shameful lusts and the shameful acts of homosexual perversion that is
condoned and celebrated. The text also speaks of bodily penalties for
such action, probably disease and other deleterious effects that come
from doing what is unnatural and using the body for purposes for which
it is not designed.
Welcome to the 21st Century decaying West.
Many misunderstand what Romans 1 is saying
and point to this text to warn us that God will punish us for our
condoning and celebrating of homosexual acts. But Romans 1 does not say
God will punish for this. Romans 1 says that the widespread condoning
and celebrating of homosexual acts IS God’s punishment, it is
the revelation of wrath. It is the first and chief indication that God
has given us over to our stubborn sinfulness and to our lust.
Now, let us be careful to distinguish here.
The text does not say that homosexuals are per se being punished. For
some may mysteriously have this orientation but live chastely. But
rather the text is saying we are all being punished.
Why? For over 60 years now the decadent West has celebrated promiscuity,
pornography, fornication, cohabitation, contraception, and even to some
extent adultery. The resulting carnage of abortion, STDs, AIDs, single
motherhood, absent fathers, poverty, and all sorts of hideous and
heinous effects on our children has not been enough to bring us to our
senses. Our lusts have become wilder and more and more debased.
In contraception we severed the connections between sex, procreation, and marriage.
Our senseless minds have become darkened. Sex was reduced to two adults
doing what they pleased in order to have fun or “share love (lust).”
This opened the door to increasingly debased sexual expression and
Enter the homosexual community and its demands for acceptance.
And the wider culture, now debased, darkened, and deeply confused,
cannot comprehend what is frankly obvious, that homosexual acts are
wholly contrary to nature. The very design of the body, of the actual
body parts shouts against it. But the wider culture, already deeply
immersed in its own unnatural confusions about sex via contraception,
and an increasing and steady diet by many of highly debased pornography
that celebrates both oral and anal sex among heterosexuals, had no
answer to the challenge.
We have gone out of our collective mind, our senseless minds are darkened, confused, foolish, and debased. This is wrath,
this is what it means to be given over to our sinful desires. This is
what happens when God finally has to say to a culture, “If you want sin,
you have it, until it comes out of your ears.”
How many tens of millions of aborted babies have been sacrificed to our wild lusts,
how high have the other body counts of pain effects gone: children in
poverty, without fathers, in confused and broken homes, divorce, STDs,
deaths by AIDs. In none of this have we repented.
But in all of it the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
Notice again, homosexuals are not being singled out, the wrath is
against ALL godlessness and wickedness of all who suppress the truth.
And when even our lustful carnage has not been enough to bring us to our
senses, God finally says, enough, and gives us over to our own sinful
desires to feel their full effect. We have become so collectively
foolish and vain in our thinking and darkened in our intellect that we
now as a culture “celebrate” homosexual acts which Scripture rightly
calls disordered (paraphysin = “contrary to nature” and is the
word St. Paul uses in this passage to assess homosexual acts). Scripture
also speaks of these sorts of acts as acts of grave depravity that cry
to heaven for vengeance.
But, as the text says, Although
they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve
death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve
of those who practice them (verse 32). This is darkness, this is wrath.
This is what it means to be given over to our sins,
a deeply darkened mind. The celebration of homosexual acts IS God’s
punishment and demonstrates, according to the text that God has given us
V. The Revolution that Results – The text says, Furthermore,
just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of
God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what
ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of
wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder,
strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters,
insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they
disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love,
no mercy. (Romans 1:28-31)
The text states clearly and in very familiar terms the truth that when sex, and marriage and family go into the cultural shredder, and enormous number of social ills are set loose.
This is because children are no longer properly formed.
The term “bastard” in its figurative term refers to an incorrigible
person, and its more literal meaning is some one who has no father. Both
senses are related. And this text says in effect that every starts to
act like bastards.
Children raised in large numbers, outside the best setting of a father and a mother in a stable traditional family, is a recipe for the social disaster
described in these verses. I will not comment on them any further. They
speak well for themselves and well describe our current struggle. Here
too is the wrath revealed and the giving over to our sin that God seems
to have permitted .
VI. The Refusal to Repent - Although
they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve
death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve
of those who practice them. (Romans 1:32)
Here too is the mystery of our iniquity,
of our stubborn refusal to repent, no matter how high the body count,
how clear the evidence. Let us pray we will still come to our senses.
But if not, God has a record of allowing civilizations to come and go,
nations to rise and fall. If we do not love life we do not have to have
it. If we want lies rather than truth, we can have them and feel their
full effects.
But somewhere God is saying,
When I shut up
the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the
land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by
my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from
their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive
their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears
attentive to the prayers offered in this place. (2 Chron 7:14-15)
Ira de Deus,
Msgr. Charles Pope,
S. Paulo
Mensagens (Atom)