years after Roe v. Wade, we are just now learning the back history to
the Supreme Court decision that allowed abortion on demand to become a national
policy. In his insightful and well-researched new book, Abuse
of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade (Encounter Books, 2013),
Clarke D. Forsythe chronicles the complicated history and political details that
led to the most sweeping Supreme Court decision in our history. Recently,
Catholic World Report caught up with Forsythe, senior counsel at Americans United
for Life, to discuss the twenty years of research that went into this
important book.
CWR: The "right to privacy" established in Griswold v.
Connecticut served as a precursor for Roe v. Wade. Was
Griswold the decision that ultimately paved the way for the justices’
endorsement of legal and unlimited abortion in the United States?
Forsythe: Not entirely by itself. The Justices pointed to a
number of decisions that they said created a right to privacy, including the
1972 decision in Eisenstadt v. Baird—also heard during the fifteen-week
twin vacancies after the retirements of Justices Black and Harlan in the fall of
1972—which significantly extended Griswold to strike down regulations on the
sale of contraceptives to single people. The justices largely abandoned the
right to privacy in 1992 in Planned Parenthood v. Casey and justified
Roe on the basis of the “reliance interests” of women in abortion as a
back-up to failed contraception—the new glue that holds together the right to
CWR: Most non-legal scholars overlook the significance of
Roe v. Wade's companion case, Doe v. Bolton. Why do you insist
that Doe is so important?
Forsythe: Two main reasons: First, it is Roe and
Doe together which gave us the national policy of abortion for
any reason, at any time of pregnancy. Roe declared a right to abortion
up to fetal viability; Doe gave us the “health” exception (defined as “emotional
well-being”) after fetal viability, which is left to the discretion of the
Secondly, Doe struck down the 1968 Georgia law as too strict, which allowed abortion in certain circumstances, including the health and safety regulations in the Georgia laws.
Secondly, Doe struck down the 1968 Georgia law as too strict, which allowed abortion in certain circumstances, including the health and safety regulations in the Georgia laws.
CWR: Given the cultural currents of the sixties and
seventies—more women in the workforce, increased sexual license, concerns of
overpopulation, and so forth—weren't the justices that decided Roe and
Doe just confirming public opinion on the matter of abortion?
Forsythe: No. In Roe and Doe, the Justices
imposed a national policy that, when released, went way beyond public support.
And that has continued for forty years. Today, only 7% to 9% of Americans
support abortion for any reason, at any time of pregnancy.
CWR: Your book posits that the justices originally agreed to
hear Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton because they believed they
were only to be ruling on matters of jurisdiction and whether the plaintiffs in
these cases could even bring their case to the federal level. Yet upon hearing
the cases they soon realized they had taken on a much bigger issue than
originally anticipated. In both hearing and deciding the cases, what factual
evidence was considered on record?
Forsythe: More specifically, the Justices took the cases to
decide the jurisdictional issue, and then, after the abrupt retirements of
Justices Black and Harlan in September 1971, four justices—Douglas, Brennan,
Stewart and Marshall—decided to use the cases to eliminate the abortion laws.
There was no trial or evidentiary record in either Roe or Doe,
but the flour pushed ahead nevertheless, violating a long-standing rule that the
Court will not decide constitutional issues without an adequate factual record.
The only “facts” that the justices had were presented to them by interest
groups, like Planned Parenthood, in the Supreme Court.
CWR: You note that the United States is an outlier when it
comes to abortion rights. How extreme is the United States juridical position
compared to the rest of the world?
Forsythe: The U.S. is only of only four nations across the
globe that allows abortion for any reason after fetal viability: China, North
Korea, Canada, and the U.S.
CWR: Why did the justices adopt a standard of "viability"
(meaning the stage in development when the child can survive outside the womb
independent from the mother) and how does the Court's definition of "health"
factor into this?
Forsythe: For the first year of deliberations, the justices
were only considering creating a right to abortion up to twelve weeks (the first
trimester). Then after the second round of arguments in October 1972, the
Justices began to negotiate behind the scenes as to the scope of the “right” and
Justices Powell and Marshall lobbied Justice Blackmun to expand the right to
viability, which they thought at the time occurred around 28 weeks. They did so
for purely pragmatic reasons: to expand access to abortion. But then they
outlined the Doe “health exception” after viability, which means that
the states must allow abortion even after viability, at the discretion of the
provider, for any reason related to the “emotional well-being” of the woman.
CWR: You observe that the idea that "abortion is safer than
childbirth" was an influential factor in the justices deliberations on the
matter. What medical or scientific research is this assumption based on?
Forsythe: Yes, that notion drove the entire outcome in
Roe and Doe; it was the key medical assumption in the cases.
Since there was no trial or evidentiary record in the lower courts in
Roe and Doe, there was no factual evidence supporting that
notion. That too was urged on the Justices by the attorneys and interest groups
in the Supreme Court. The notion was based on maternal mortality numbers from
the 1950s in Soviet Bloc countries. Today the notion is based on a mechanical
comparison of the official published abortion mortality rate and the maternal
(childbirth) mortality rate. But these rates are non-comparable because what
goes into the numerators and denominators of the two rates is radically
different. It’s apples and oranges.
CWR: So much of the language of abortion rights is touted
under the banner of women's health and women's rights. Has legal abortion been a
real service to women? And are there long-term studies that evidence the effects
abortion has on these women in the long run?
Forsythe: One chapter in Abuse of Discretion
examines the short-term and long-terms risks and negative impact on health and
relationships. Abortion isn’t about women’s health; it’s just population
control. There has been a growing body of international medical data on the
long-term risks of abortion over the past two decades. We now have more than 130
international, peer-reviewed medical studies finding an increased risk of
pre-term birth (PTB) after abortion. And we have more than a hundred
international, peer-reviewed medical studies finding an increased risk of mental
trauma after abortion.
CWR: Abortion is often described as the most polarizing
political issue in the United States, yet you cite polls showing broad agreement
that abortion is the ending of a human life and a general desire to limit
abortion in most circumstances. If that's the case, why can't we carve out a
common ground position in our public policy?
Forsythe: The Supreme Court (and the lower federal courts)
through Roe and Doe control every aspect of abortion law and
policy and practice, and prevents the American people from “carving out” any
“common ground position.” As a practical matter, that is being done by the
states when they pass the twenty week (five month) limits, supported by majority
public opinion. But the abortion proponents file a case in federal court to get
them blocked. As long as Roe and Doe remain the law, the
public is prevented from agreeing on any “common ground position.”
CWR: If Roe is eventually overturned by the Supreme
Court, as so many pro-life advocates are hopeful for, where and when will
abortion be legal? And what will the task of the pro-life movement then be?
Forsythe: If Roe was overturned today, abortion
would be legal in 40 to 45 states tomorrow because there are no enforceable
prohibitions on the books in those states. Pro-life legislators are preparing
for the “day after Roe” by working on abortion regulations and
prohibitions right now.